The War

When we all woke up, we got ready for the war in our armor. I was wearing this beautiful warrior dress rimmed in black and gold. El Entrenador told me that my mother wore this when she fought wars just like I will be fighting today. I finished getting ready and met everyone out in the front. We knew that the war started when this ringing came over us. We ran towards the warriors of the Underworld once we seen them.I looked towards my left where one of my soldiers were fighting against theirs. The same was going on towards my right. I ran straight, slicing and slaughtering the soldiers that were coming my way. I reached the leader and started fighting with my sword. He used his power to take my sword and threw it yards away. He picked up his hand and I then felt something rap around my neck. I used my hand and made thorny vines wrapped around his hands and arms. That held him long enough to fight some more of his men off of me. He then broke the straints I had on him. He made a fireball appear in his hand and threw it my way. I used my quick reflexes and my fire power to reverse the fireball on him. He screamed in agony, then came back with a chant.

"guerreros se multiplican en número," the leader of the Underworld chanted. As he finished, more of his warriors filled the battle field.

I came back with a chant as I said, "guerreros crecen en fuerza." When I said those words, my warriors and I felt a tingling sensation of power come to us. My warriors came towards my side and fought off the enemies as I was fighting the leader. Some of the leader's warriors tried to stop me, but I defeated them with ease. Me and the leader fought a long and hard battle. We were so focused on defeating each other that we didn't know how far we have gone. We ended up on a cliff. With a smirk my enemy pushed me towards the edge. I fell, screaming as I fell to what he thought to be my death. Little did he know that The water was my friend.

I swirled my finger, which made a whirlpool that lifted me up. "Not the ending you were thinking of huh?" I asked him with a smirk. He, on the other hand, had his mouth wide open in shock. I motioned for the whirlpool of water to put me on land and head back to its place.