Oberyn's lips were as warm against yours as his hands on your waist.

This wasn't your first kiss. When you were still a teen in a visit to the Eerie, you had kissed a squire boy. He had nothing special, but you'd gotten tired of not having any suitors and decided to have a first kiss with him.

Oberyn was absolutely better than the squire boy.

His lips moved to your neck just as his hands grasped your hips, and you couldn't help but whimper through your lips, feeling the spot between your legs growing damper and needier as he licked someplace behind your ear that sent shivers all over your body.

You were almost asking him to touch you more when you heard someone stepping into the library, and he pulled away.

"Lady Y/N," Robb's voice called for you. "Are you here?"

Your eyes widened. Robb, always Robb spoiling everything for you.

"Go away," you shouted. "You've already said whatever you had to say."

In front of you, Oberyn reached out and held your hand.

"He's a boy," he reminded you, using your own words.

"I'm sorry I hurt you," Robb affirmed, sounding truly remorseful. "I shouldn't have said what I said."

"You should forgive him," the Dornish man in front of you whispered.

You clenched your jaw. He was right. Robb was a foolish boy, but he wasn't mean. He was probably as uncomfortable with this engagement as you.

"Will I see you again?" you asked in a low voice.

Oberyn's lips brushed against yours gently.

"Y/N," Robb called again. "Please. I'm not leaving until we talk about it."

"Tonight, if your door is unlocked," he smirked, gently fixing your hair. "You should go. He's not leaving until you two talk about it."

You sighed, biting your lower lip.

Your door would certainly be unlocked.

"Alright, then," you answered out loud.

Your legs were still wobbly when you walked to a different corridor, skipping a couple of sessions and then walking in Robb's direction, and your step-cousin relaxed when his eyes fell upon you.

"Oh, thank the gods," he mumbled, stepping to you and taking your hands in his. "Y/N, I'm sorry, I truly am."

You shifted on your spot, uncomfortable, and crossed your arms.

"Alright," raised your chin. "I'll forgive you."

Robb relaxed, but you raised your finger before he could answer.

"If," you interrupted him. "You make it up to me."

His blue eyes widened.

"What do you mean?"

You shrugged.

"You'll have to compensate me for what you did," you answered, simply.

"Compensate you?" he repeated.

"Unless you want me to tell Aunt Cat," you reminded him.

That was how you got Robb to leave the library and follow you around hand and foot, carrying things for you while you did your daily activities, providing you with food and more things, until dinner came around, and even overheard your father and Lord Stark commenting on how Robb was already doing his best at courting you.

You didn't even care. Tonight, Oberyn was coming to visit you, and that was the only thing in your mind.

So, when night fell, you bathed and dressed in your best sleeping clothes and perfumed yourself with rose oil, brushing your hair and letting it fall freely over your face. And you waited.

The prince didn't enter your room through its door, as you expected. You had been waiting for what felt like forever when he simply emerged from somewhere you couldn't see, and you only became aware of his presence when he placed a soft kiss on the spot between your shoulder and neck.

"Hello, Lady Arryn," he whispered into your ear.

You smiled a bit.

"Hello," you muttered.

He sat on the bed by your side and watched your face, and for a moment, you felt extremely underdressed.

"How did you get inside?" you asked, standing from your chair and walking to him.

"I know a few secrets about this castle," he shrugged. "Did I catch you on a bad time?"

"No," you answered quickly. "I was... waiting for you."

Oberyn raised his eyebrows at you.

"Then I hope I didn't make you wait too long," he raised his eyes, reaching for you slowly and playing with the strings of your shift.

"No," you felt your cheeks warming up. "You didn't."

"So, you have me," he licked his lips. "What do you want from me now?"

You couldn't find an answer, not a verbal one, at least, so instead of saying was you wanted, you just kissed his lips.

Oberyn's mouth was hungry over yours, and his grip tighter than earlier in the morning as he pulled you over his lap and made you straddle his hips.

"Don't you..." Oberyn whispered against your lips, trying to pull away from your kiss, though you continued to search for him. "My lady."

You moved back, feeling your lips swollen and throbbing, and his hands caressed your thighs over your shift very gently.

"Lady Arryn, are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

You frowned, instantly deflating, completely embarrassed.

"Oh," you felt your shoulders dropping, and moved to stand up. "I'm sorry, I thought..."

Oberyn's hands grabbed you before you could move too much, and his dark eyes stared into yours.

"Y/N," he spoke your name slowly.

Your heart felt like it broke into a thousand little pieces in your chest.

"You don't want me," you deduced, trying to pretend the fact didn't hurt you. "It's okay, I didn't mean..."

Oberyn interrupted you before you could continue to apologise.

"I do want you," he corrected you. "Very much so. If we were in Dorne and you were a Dornish lady, I wouldn't wait a minute and would happily give you this pleasure, but you are the only daughter of the Hand of the King, and the oldest child of the Lord of the Eerie."

You frowned.

"What does my father have to do with all this?"

His face softened.

"Are you sure you're not doing this just to piss him off?" he asked. "Because of your betrothal, maybe?"

You hesitated. Maybe a little bit, yes. A small part of you certainly wanted to hurt your father from what he was doing to you, but it was certainly not your main goal here.

You wanted to be free and be able to enjoy something at least once in your life. Honestly, you were sure Robb had had his fair share of affairs at this point already, and he was no innocent boy. So if you were going to marry him out of all people, you should enter said union with at least the same experience as him.

It was only fair.

"I didn't know you knew about that," you mumbled.

Oberyn shrugged.

"The news travel very fast through the castle walls," he pointed out.

"Well, I'm not betrothed yet," you reminded him. "I don't have any man to answer to, and my father clearly doesn't care for me, otherwise he wouldn't have done such a thing behind my back, so why should I care for what he thinks?"

Oberyn tilted his head, looking at you in a curious way.

"So that's what I am?" he asked, though non-accusing. "A roll in the sheets to go against your father? I don't mind if that's it, but I don't think I'll be coming back after tonight if that's your goal."

You shook your head.

"No!" you denied. "Of course not!"

"Then what is it?" he asked.

You bit your lower lip, embarrassed.

"I..." you hesitated. "Well..."

He waited, and you felt your cheeks hot under his gaze. You had had a crush on Oberyn since you were just a girl when he visited the court. But you couldn't let him know that! It was too embarrassing.

"You're the only man I've ever really been attracted to," you mumbled. "And... well... I want you."

He nodded slowly.

"Then what do you want?" he asked in a gentle voice.

"You," you answered simply. "I want you."

"And that's it?" Oberyn probed further.

You shrugged.

"I want to be free," you told him. "I never did anything for myself, I never did things to make myself happy. Don't I deserve to be happy and have pleasure? I don't want to look back and realise I wasted my life serving the wishes of the men around me, tossed around like property from one to the other."

He watched you silently.

"Do you think I can make you happy?" he asked.

The question made you shrug.

"I don't know," you said, honestly. "But I'm willing to try."

Oberyn didn't answer any more questions, and kissed your lips, crossing his arms behind your back and holding you close.

Oberyn's lips were warm and wet against yours, and in a hot minute, his hands had travelled to the hem of your shift, pulling it over your head and leaving your body naked to his eyes.

"Beautiful," he whispered.

You felt your cheeks hot, rushing and trying to cover both your breasts and the place between your legs.

You had just raised your arms to block his view of you, but Oberyn wrapped his fingers around your wrists and lowered them.

"Don't hide," he affirmed, staring into your eyes. "You're gorgeous, you're a beautiful woman, and you have no reason to hide."

"Sorry," you mumbled. "I'm not... I'm not used to it."

He raised his eyebrows, smiling softly.


You chuckled, nervous.

"This," you pointed to yourself, completely nervous. "I'm... you know... No one has ever seen me naked before, I think. Not as an adult."

He smiled, chuckling.

"Well, there's a first time for everything," he reminded you.

You nodded slowly, and he lowered his lips to yours again, kissing you and rubbing his nose over yours.

His kiss was slow and passionate, and the way his hands moved down to your torso made you shiver.

You were out of breath when he broke your kiss, and you had to muffle a loud sigh when he moved to your neck, kissing it and sucking onto your neck.

"Hush, my dear," he whispered. "We don't want to be found, do we?"

You shook your head. The last thing you wanted was for the two of you to be interrupted and found in the positions you were.

"One day I'll get you alone," he nibbled on your neck. "I'll take the sweetest of moans from you."

You closed your eyes at the prospect, and squirmed under Oberyn, jumping in surprise when he attached his lips to your nipple, sucking on it gently and keeping his eyes glued to your face.

He stuck out his tongue, and licked a long line from your breast to the opposite nipple, sucking on it and making you jump and squirm again, becoming damp between your legs and absolutely needy.

That, apparently, made him chuckle.

"You're so sensitive," he hummed. "How will you even feel when I give you real pleasure?"

You whimpered unconsciously, covering your mouth with a hand, and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, my dear," he kissed the valley between your breasts. "Everything at its time."

You sighed, grasping your sheets in your free hand as he travelled your torso with kisses and licks, stopping on your navel and licking the way from your belly button back up to the middle of your chest once again.

His hand caressed your knee and travelled down to the inside of your thigh, making slow circles on your sensitive and shivered skin.

"Oberyn," you whined.

"Yes, my dear?" he licked your nipple.

You let out a soft whimper when he took it in his mouth, making Oberyn smirk, biting down on it and sucking it hungrily.

"You're teasing me," you squeezed your eyes shut.

He raised his eyes, feigning innocence as he looked upon your face, and your jaw trembled when his thumb met the seams between your legs, caressing them up and down.

"Am I, Y/N?"

His thumb gathered your wetness, travelling up and making slow circles over a sensitive point that made you suck in a breath.

"Do you like this?" he whispered. "When I touch you here?"

You nodded, biting on your lip, trying to keep yourself from making any sounds.

"Good," he mumbled, kissing a trail down your chest and nudging your belly button. "What if I kiss you there, my dear? Will you like it?"

You were ready to answer - to say you didn't know - when he took his tongue to your intimate parts and licked your sensitive spot, and you jumped, yelping and making him smirk and raise his eyebrow.

"Careful, sweetheart," he whispered. "We don't want to be found."

You panted, and froze on your spot when someone knocked on your door, and Oberyn rolled away from you in a second, disappearing under your bed.

"Lady Arryn!" someone called from the other side, and you were quick to pull your sheets over your shoulders, covering yourself completely just as a guard pushed your door open. "Lady Arryn! I heard a scream."

Your face heated up completely as you tried to come up with an answer, staring at the guard from the Vale that'd monitor your quarters r his sword, looking around your room.

"I- I had a nightmare, sir!" you clenched your sheets over you, hoping that he wouldn't notice you were undressed.

He lowered his hand, frowning.

"A nightmare?" he repeated slowly.

You hesitated, swallowing down.

"I- I saw... I saw a man being hurt in the tournament today," you lied. "It just... it just haunted me."

The knight sighed, and you swallowed down when you realised he had believed in your lie.

"Please, leave," you requested. "I'm not properly dressed."

He averted his eyes quickly when he noticed he'd been staring.

"Of course, my lady," he looked away from you. "I apologise."

You swallowed down.

"It's okay," you said quickly. "Please, go, now."

The guard left in quick steps, closing the door behind himself, and you waited until you were sure he'd left your quarters - which were thankfully apart from your father's and his wife's, and Robert, who still slept with his mother - before releasing a breath, and Oberyn emerged from under your bed.

"I told you, sweetheart," he whispered, walking to your door and barring it.

You felt your cheeks hot.

"I'm sorry," you mumbled.

"Don't worry," he assured you.

Oberyn pulled the sheers from over your body silently, setting himself between your legs and putting your thighs on his shoulders, looking up at you with hungry eyes, and you covered your mouth and nose with a hand just as he placed his lips over the apex of your thighs, kissing the very same place he'd licked earlier.

Pleasure spread through you in slow waves, replacing the early surprise you'd felt and when you pulled a pillow over your face, biting down on it to keep yourself quiet, Oberyn chuckled.

"Good idea, sweetheart," he hummed, sticking out his tongue and giving you slow kitty licks.

You whimpered, squirming on your spot.

His hand cradled your thigh, holding you steadily, and moved one of his hands to between of your legs, touching you gently and spreading your folds, moving a finger up and down your entrance, teasing and testing your reactions.

He raised his eyes from his spot and looked at you with a gentle look on his face.

"Do you trust me?" he whispered.

You frowned. Of course you trusted him.

"You wouldn't be here if I didn't," you pointed out.

Oberyn chuckled and nodded, licking on your sensitive bud and smirking as you reacted to it.

Pleasure spread over your body slowly as he licked and sucked onto your sensitive bud, pushing two fingers slowly into you and raising his eyes at your face in curiosity.

"Horseback riding?" he asked in a soft voice.

You nodded silently. You were used to going horseback riding since you were a young girl, and knew that it was common for ladies to break their maidenheads in such activity.

"It's better," he told. "It won't hurt, then."

You swallowed down.

"Are you sure?" you mumbled.

You didn't have many friends in King's Landing, but back at the Vale you would be surrounded by girls constantly, and one of them - Myranda Royce - was a widow, and she had told you her first night had hurt quite much.

"You said you trust me," he reminded you, pushing in and out of you slowly, making you squirm. "Relax, my dear. I'll make it good for you."

You nodded, and your eyelids drifted close as his tongue moved back to you, playing and licking you like a man starved for something only you could give.

Your blood was running fast, and your body was on fire, and the only reason your sounds weren't coming loud and clear was because of your pillow, which you didn't dare removing from over your face.

The muscles on your stomach contracted as your hips moved out of your control and Oberyn pinned you down on the mattress, moving his tongue faster and more focused on your intimate part.

You whimpered, squeezing your pillow closer to you, as something built up in you.

"Oberyn," you pleaded.

"It's just your peak, my dear," he told you. "It's alright. Let go."

You nodded, squeezing your eyes shut, and your toes curled as you felt your body fighting a bit against the feeling, but you tried to relax all the same as the fire in your body concentrated on where his tongue was touching you.

Your body trembled and shook as something inside you broke, and your blood was filled with an overwhelming pleasure that made you sensitive and sent spasms all over your body, making both you and Oberyn moan through it.

Your body was overly sensitive, and your ears were buzzing when he moved again, kissing your lips hungrily as his free hand pushed his pants away.

His lips were salty and tangy, and his actions even more passionate.

"Do you want this?" he rested his forehead on yours, pulling away to look into your eyes. "Do you want me?"

You nodded, and his hand searched for yours, taking your fingers down until you met his member, and your eyes widened when you felt it hot and hard against your palm, though still soft. It was as if iron had been covered in warm velvet.

You wrapped your hand around it hesitantly, moving up and down in a soft grip, and Oberyn hummed in response, taking in a deep breath and releasing it slowly.

"It'll be inside you," he told you in a soft voice. "You have to be sure."

"I am," you affirmed. "I'm sure."

Oberyn kissed you again, pulling himself away from your hand and spreading your legs wider, placing himself between them.

You turned your face and hid it in the crook of his neck, biting down on his clothes – he was still completely dressed – to muffle a whine when he rubbed himself over you, parting your folds and pressing himself against your entrance.

You felt a pinch when he first pushed himself inside you, and he held you against his body silently, quietly waiting for you to relax. You were shamefully wet, enough that he slid into you without much resistance, but it was still a strange feeling, something new. An invasion of sorts.

"It's okay," he whispered into your lips. "It'll feel good, my dear, I promise."

His lips travelled down your neck and collarbones, kissing and nibbling on your skin until he had his mouth on your breast, sucking and biting on your sensitive nipples, and he moved his hand to your mouth, covering it just as you whimpered, and he entered you more.

Your moans were blocked by his palm, though you made an effort to keep your voice quiet.

You were full, so full.

Gods, it felt so strange but still good.

It was like he fit perfectly into you.

He moved out of you, just a little bit, and pushed back, raising his eyes to look at your face again, relaxing when you nodded in response to his silent question.

Oberyn pushed himself inside you in slow strokes, taking his hand from your face, and you quickly replaced it with yours, not trusting yourself to keep quiet enough.

Oberyn's lips never left your skin, and the hand that was on your face moved between your legs to play with your sensitive bud, distracting you from the initial ache the stretching was making you feel.

"So fucking wet, gods," he hissed, and bit down on your nipple, pulling on it and making you whine. "Fucking perfect."

Your eyes rolled as your eyelids closed, and your hips raised to meet his trusts.

"Need to make you cum, my dear," he whispered into your skin. "It'll feel better."

Better than this?

You whimpered, pulling your pillow to bite onto it.

"Please," you squeezed your eyes shut, feeling the same pressure from minutes before in you again.

Oberyn's thumb pressed harder against you as his big hand squeezed the side of your hip, playing with your bud.

"You're beautiful," he whispered into your skin.

You reached for his face, pulling him closer, and covered his lips with yours, swallowing his moans as you did just the same.

You trembled, trying to keep yourself silent as your hips trembled, and your stomach contracted out of your control. Your body had just stopped contracting around him and your muscled had just started relaxing when he pulled himself from inside you, and you felt something warm falling onto your stomachs he panted against your lips.

Oberyn kisses your face slowly, rubbing his nose against yours and caressing your face with his clean hand.

Oberyn kissef your face, rubbing his nose against your skin as your eyes drifted close and you felt yourself sleepy.

"Let me clean you up, dear," he whispered, and you looked down to see him using a soft cloth over your stomach, wiping away the white lines his seed painted onto your skin.

"Why did you do that?" you mumbled, confused. "I could have taken the moon tea."

The question made him smirk.

"I'll worry about that for you, my dear," he kissed your chin. "Don't worry."

You nodded, still feeling out of breath, and Oberyn sat on his knees, cleaning the inside of your thighs delicately.

"Will I see you again?" you asked as you watched him stand up, collecting your sleeping shift and taking it back to you.

His first response was to just kiss your lips, delicately and passionately, making you melt on your spot.

"Do you want to see me again?" he questioned, voice just a little above a whisper.

"I do," you nodded.

Oberyn grinned.

"Then you will," he caressed your cheek. "Tomorrow, at the same time."

You confirmed and watched as he walked to your door, pressing his ear against it before taking away the bar that was blocking it and looking at you with a soft look on his face.

"Goodbye," you whispered.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lady Arryn."