Dorne was beautiful.

The warmth had hit you long before you arrived at the capital, but the temperature only really hit you when you were on your way – by land – to the water gardens, and you finally understood the reason the women around you were wearing clothes with so little fabric.

It was really hot, and not in a good way.

The gardens, however, were much more pleasant. With pale pink marble paving the floor, pools of sweet water and nearing a beach, it was a pleasant place, filled with children playing in its fountains and waters.

Oberyn had chosen not to go to Sunspear because he knew it would be too easy to find the two of you there, and you wanted at least some peace while your father received the news of your marriage.

So far no news had come from King's Landing about you, but you didn't know how long this peaceful period would last.

"We can live here or in Sunspear if you want," your new husband offered as you leant onto the balcony, looking over the pools and the sea from afar.

"Is Sunspear as warm as the Water Gardens?" you chuckled.

"It's warmer," he told you.

"Then I prefer this place," you decided, looking around. "It's beautiful and full of children and people."

In King's Landing, you lived practically isolated, too busy with your daily tasks to even spend more than a few moments in the library.

"And here, I can make your scream as many times as I want," your husband kissed your earlobe. "And no one will hear us."

You sighed out, melting as he placed warm kisses onto your neck and shoulder, pushing his fingers into your hair and caressing your scalp sensuously.

"No one?" you panted.

"No one," he moved his free hand back, untying your dress and pushing it inside, cupping your breast under the thing fabric. "The walls will keep your pretty sounds in, and no guard or sail mate will be anywhere near us."

Oberyn pinched your nipple and you mewled.

"Not outside," you whimpered. "They'll see us."

He chuckled.

"Then we must go inside," he groped you.

You untangled yourself from him, skipping into the room you two shared with him tracing after your steps just as you ran inside.

You had just let your body fall onto the bed when he stood in front of you, raising his eyebrow.

"Won't you undress, my love?" he asked.

You chuckled, pulling the first side of the dress and slowly uncovering yourself before doing the same to the other side.

Besides your dress, you hadn't put on anything to cover yourself, and when you slid the fabric away from your torso, there was nothing stopping your husband to stare at you freely.

"Don't tease me, wife," he pointed out, taking off his his own clothes.

You smirked, spreading your legs and raising your knees, giving him a free vision of your naked folds.

"What's the fun in that?" you raised an eyebrow. "You behave so much better when you're teased."

Oberyn's lips curled in a half grin.

"Sweetheart, I'm starting to think I created a little monster."

You laughed, feelings your cheeks a little bit flushed and warm when he spoke.

"A monster?" you tilted your head.

Oberyn kicked off his pants and you moved your eyes right up to his face to avoid looking at his member and your husband shook his head.

"A naughty monster," he crawled onto your bed, placing himself between your legs and planting a kiss on your lower stomach. "Hungry for pleasure."

You didn't even know what to say, but you didn't have to answer. His lips moved to the space between your legs, causing you to gasp and arch your body to him.

"Such a little tease," he stuck out his tongue, playing with your sensitive bud, pulling your thigh over his shoulder. "You forgot how to be patient. "

You whimpered, squirming as he slowly licked you, taking his time.

"Maybe..." you panted. "You've been..."

He just hummed.

"I've been?" he asked.

He penetrated you with two fingers, and you released an embarrassing moan.

"Spoiling me?" you tried, realising you had completely forgot what you've been meaning to say.

He laughed, mouth moving over you, curling his finger and rubbing you slowly.

"You're so wet, sweet girl," he mumbled. "I have been spoiling you, haven't I?"

You whined, pushing your hips closer to his face, but Oberyn just pined you down on the mattress.

"The fine silks and jewellery look so good on you, wife," he pointed out, playing with you with soft kitten licks. "And to see the pleasure on your face… oh, my love..."

You whimpered, writhing on your spot.

"You can see more if you stop fucking teasing me."

Oberyn laughed, sucking your bud into his lips, and your body shook in response, arching up and moaning loudly, making your husband growl,

"That's it, sweet wife," he pushed his finger into you. "Moan for me. I want to hear everything."

Your walls clenched around his fingers as you cried softly from the soft tease, and Oberyn fucked you slowly and gently with them, tongue starting to make slow circles over you.

He was savouring you, taking his time.

"Oberyn," you sobbed. "Don't torture me."

"You taste so good," he whispered, not even taking a break from eating you out. "Perfect."

His tongue moved faster over you, holding your down tighter and reaching up with a hand, twisting your nipple and making you cry out.

Your husband lapped you up, and you pushed your hips against, crying and fisting the sheets.

"Oberyn," you called out, throwing your head back. "Gods, Oberyn, please."

"What do you want?" he raised his eyes, looking up from between your legs. "Talk to me. Tell me."

You swallowed down, sobbing.

"Please," you cried softly, feeling him pulling, pinching your nipple as his thumb made fast circles on your sensitive bud, abandoning all teasing. "I want you."

"You have me," he smiled.

He moved back onto your folds, devouring you like a starving man, making you scream in pleasure.

Your peak hit you in slow and strongly, making tremble and squirm, babbling his name in a nearly incoherent way, lost of any filter.

You were sobbing and crying when your husband reached for your lips, finally – finally – kissing, salty and tangy and still a man starving.

"Inside me," you begged in pants in your kiss. "Need you... Oberyn!"

He bit your lip almost violently.

"What do you want inside you?" he hissed. "My fingers again, sweetheart?"

You whined, annoyed and throwing modest to the wind, using the very same words he used to make you blush.

"Your cock," you panted. "Need your cock inside my cunt."

Oberyn laughed against your lips.

"Little naughty monster," he grabbed your tight, spreading your legs and positioning his member over your folds.

"Your naughty little monster," you pointed out, chuckling.

Your husband laughed, slowly penetrating you.

"All mine," he kissed your neck.

He pushed himself inside you all at once, bottoming out inside you and pulling out just as you moaned loudly, feeling your walls stretching to adapt to his invasion.

His hands tightened around your hips, and you braced yourself, fisting the sheets under you as your whimpers and soft cries grew.

"That's what you wanted, my love?" he put his mouth over your breast, biting down on your nipple and pulling on it, sucking your peak into his mouth, hungry and lustful.

You moved your hands to his hair, tangling your fingers in his long black strands.

"Yes," you cried out. "Oh, gods."

Oberyn didn't seem satisfied with how insane he was driving you, and pushed his hand between your legs, once again toying with your sensitive bud.

"Oberyn!" you screamed, covering your mouth, embarrassed and afraid someone would hear you.

With his free hand, your husband pulled on your wrist and uncovered your lips.

"I want to hear you. Every word, every little moan!" he hissed. "Don't you dare to hide those sounds from me!"

You sobbed, struggling and squirming as you squeezed around him involuntarily.

"Feel so good, sweet girl," he hissed, sucking on your skin, making you even more sensitive. "You perfect cunt is just so wet, so needy for me."

You could feel your peak building up as your body trembled, unable to control your moans.

"In me," you hissed, arching your body. "I want..."

"What do you want?" he hissed against your skin.

"Your... your come," you stuttered. "Inside my cunt. Please."

His eyes widened as he stared at you.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I don't know if they have moon tea here for..."

"I don't want moon tea," you interrupted him. "I'm yours, I'm your wife and I want to have a family with you. I want to have your child."

His eyes grew wide in surprise.

"My love," he whispered. "Are you sure?"

You nodded, almost desperate as he fucked into you, hard and fast. Feral.

"I want us to have a family," you pleaded. "I want to be filled with you. With your baby."

Oberyn growled, taking your lips in a violent kiss and pushing his cock into you harder through his growls and your cries.

"Perfect," he hissed, holding you down, moving his hips fast and erratically. "Go on, sweet wife. Let me feel it."

You were driven over the edge through his touches, releasing moans and screams, and Oberyn's mouth covered yours as soon as you were down, and you enjoyed as your husband sought his own pleasure inside you, releasing himself with a growl.

You were both panting when he kissed you again, this time slow and kind, and full of love, so different from the other times.

Oberyn was still pampering your face and neck with kisses when the two of you heard knocks on the door, and he growled, hiding his face in the space above your shoulder.

"Your grace," a man called. "It's urgent."

Your husband groaned in annoyance.

"Can't it wait?" he asked.

"I'm afraid not, sire," he answered, sounding scared. "It's about the princess' father. Your father-in-law."

Your eyes widened, and your heart, which has slowed in its pace just a moment ago, accelerated again.

"What is it?" you called out. "Tell me."

Oberyn stood up quickly, and you pulled your dress to cover yourself again, rushing to your feet as your husband waited for you to be decent before opening the door, though he was still completely nude.

"He has called an army, he wants an answer to his letter immediately and..."

He yanked the door open, and the squire quickly bowed when he saw the two of you, and didn't seem affected by Oberyn's nakedness.

"And he wants his daughter returned to him," the boy affirmed. "Immediately."