Chapter 1

Harry Potter or Hadrian Pevrell now,just didn't know why his life was so dark.After defeating the dark Lord Voldemort he thought his life would have become normal,but he soon found out his life was not really at all in fact everything from his friends to lover was manipulated by great light lord Dumbledore.

After knowing he was pawn for the oldman from the start and his friends where not truly his friends,they were just following Dumbledore's orders.In in his anger he lashed out at them cutting relationship with Weasleys .Dumbedore had promised both Hermione and Ron that after Harry's death they would be hailed as heroes and rewarded greatly.Hermione was friends with Harry at the start,but soon ambition to be the first muggle Minister of Magic got the best of her,an added bonus was the fact she would get the magical tomes from Harry's family vault.For Ron he wanted to better than his brothers and be rich and equal to Harry in fame, so he went with everything.

Dumbledore had used his guardian status to make a will on Harry's death that all his wealth and knowledge will be given to both of them.But it backfired as Harry after the war had gone to Goblins to clear the air,it was pretty tense until the king of the Goblins cleared Harry of his crimes after Harry told everything about the Hocrux and Griphook's betrayal.

The goblins helped Harry by taking back everything Harry had lost to Dumbledore and the other two.The news about there vaults being taken caused Hermione,Ron,Ginny and Molly to panic as they quickly started to smear Harry saying he had turned dark Rita Skeeter helped their cause with her vicious lies.Harry having had enough and left Wizarding Britain for France for citizenship,which on turn caused a huge international incident because Harry was questioned with truth potion,so he revealed the true story,which caused Wizarding Britain and their so called Heroes to be shamed by all the Wizarding world.

Things went so far that the Weasleys who where proud to be called blood traitors,now are called that name for the traitorous behavior that they had fully run away to the muggle world.Their names will forever be banned to enter any wizarding groups.Hermione granger had her magic bound and cast out of magical world this caused her to not only lose her parents,but also her only real friend.Among the Weasleys,Ginny was to be Harry's wife,but Voldemort's

resurrection and Dumbledore's death happened to quickly.Also Ginny did start to like Harry really,but the problem was Harry was never intrested in Ginny and he was given a potion created by Snape it doesn't make people obsessed like the love potion,but it was slowly make the person think more about them .Because of her part in all this caused her to get never able to even get low paying job in the minstry her dreams of playing for quidditch team ended rather quickly.Fleur had left Bill,they tried for a while,but the bad reputation of the weasley family started seep into her family as well which caused her to cut ties.Same thing with Percy and Charlie.

Arthur was a man who put honor before everything couldn't believe what his youngest children and wife's behind his back,which obviously resulted in Arthur kicking Molly,Ginny and Ron out.But by the time the harm was done and the Weasley family had to move into the muggle world to escape the horde after them.

Dumbledore was forever marked as a Dark Lord and his followers were called out for their treatment of Harry.Hogwarts lost everything they lost their name and the no.of children attending the school will be all time low.

The Britain Wizarding govt tried to apologize to Harry,but nothing worked.Harry will live his life traveling and studying all types of magic all kind.

But soon he learned the fact that he was not aging,so had use illusion to fake his age. After slight research, he found of the fact he was now Master of Death.

Now after 300 years he decided to move away from this world as he had learned ever magic the world could provide,he even learned medical and scientific fields just to pass time.

Now Harry stood infront of the Veil, which was represented as a tall stone pointed archway that looked so ancient, cracked and crumbling that it seemed amazing that it was still standing especially as it was not supported by any surrounding wall, and the archway was hung with the Veil; which appeared as a tattered black curtain, gently fluttering and swaying very slightly.

Harry sighed and called out"Death I am ready." then suddenly the whole place started to become cold and a figure with a tattered old cloak appeared out of nowhere this was death himself, he was harry's companion as he asked, "So have you chosen?"

Harry asked"Can you tell me the options once again."

Death nodded and replied"1st option is world filled with Vampires, werewolves and witches.Their are other creatures that are sealed away,but I won't recommend this world as the witches in this world will recognise your magic is not the same and they will hunt you down.The 2nd option is world filled with Vampires and Werewolves,the vamps are unique because instead of burning in the sun they sparkle"

Harry was really amused hearing the stuff about Vampires sparkling,but his thoughts were broken by Deaths words"Don't underestimate them because they have unique abilities of their own."

Harry was thoughtful and then answered"I want to..."