Chapter 15

Hadrian had soon called a council meeting this time a vampire army was the issue.The council meeting started as Stefan spoke up"This army was created by vampire by the name of Benito,as everyone knows how strong a newly turned vampire is,here Benito seems to have used it too his advantage and turned a no.of them at the same time."

Everyone now understood how bad the situation was as Demetri added"I found out that just yesterday he completely decimated a large coven in Monterrey.We have heard there has been some survivor,but we don't know how many for sure."

Tanya muttered"It's hard to believe a huge coven like that was brought down in a down in a day."

Everyone nodded as Marcus who was thoughtful said"If I remember correctly Monterrey coven is the one of few who didn't acknowledge our authority,I remember them calling us tyrants."

Jane and Alec scoffed compared to the Volturi they were angels,the Monterrey coven was unhappy because Aro had given them enough free reign in return for them finding new gifted vampires of course.

Sasha asked"So from the information we got this Benito is a southern vampire who was born in Dallas and from what you told me his motivation is to conquer Mexico city."

Hadrian sighed and replied"True,we have to stop them before this gets out of hand,idiots like Benito will always want more this won't just stop with Mexico city."

Stefan,Vladamir,Marcus and Demetri nodded,while others were now thinking about how cover up the whole situation.Also both Benjamin and Tia were now traveling as they were young and not ready to listen to the council meeting.

Kate questioned"Do you think it is possible the mortals noticed ?"

Hadrian replied"I am 100% sure they have noticed the disappearances.They will probably look into it soon."

Hadrian then with sigh as he was planning on returning newborns who never wanted this life back to human,but decided against it as Death had said it was best not to do it.While Benito was definitely going to die.He was planning on giving those newborns who were following Benito out of fear or pressure a chance,but the rest are out of his hands.

Hadrian looked at Jane and Alec and said"You both are coming with me this time."

Jane and Alec nodded as they knew their gifts would help,also they were happy to help their brother.They both replied in unison"Yes,brother."

Hadrian first decided send letter,which he knew the guy would ignore as he was too drunk with power to actually understand the implications of his actions.

While the Benito who got the letter scoffed and said"Who are these upstarts think they are to threaten me,I conquered two covens in just a week."

Benito threw the letter away,unknown to him the letter had a listening charm on it.

Benito looked at his army of newborns,who were feasting on the blood of villagers they captured as he shouted"Today we will conquer Mexico city and bath it in blood."

The whole newborn army blitzes out of the woods and into the field! you can see the frenzy in their eyes. Their rabid thirst as they follow the scent of blood of people in the city.Benito was surprised seeing 3 people at the other end of the field,he then ignored them thinking they were just ordinary mortal,but that was mistake it was Hadrian,Jane and Alec.

Alec held his hand out and uses his ability which was manifesting in the form of a shimmering hazy mist that was slowly moving towards the incoming army of newborns.

All the newborns on contact with mist fell down on the ground completely paralyzed,some of them managed to evade the mist with their speed,but fell on the ground when Jane used her ability of pain inflection on multiple vampire all of them were .

It was basically one sided battle,Benito couldn't believe his eyes,he was so sure about his victory.

Alec can selectively or completely block the senses of several people at the same time, which allows us to easily knock out our opponents.

Benito soon woke to find himself in a dungeon and he was wearing some sort of cuff,when tired to snap it through force multiple letter on the cuffs glowed and he felt his strength leaving him.Then the cell's door opened revealing young man with messy black hair and green eyes that were like emeralds

Benito already lost his army,he didn't have arrogance nor did he have courage like before as he questioned"Who are you?"

Hadrian with stoic face answered"Hadrian Peverell member of Chronos coven."

Benito gulped in fear as he saw Hadrian's eyes glowing in the darkness of the cell.But getting some courage Benito spoke up"I did nothing wrong the mortals are just cattle,we should rule over them like gods."

Hadrian checked his memories to see if someone didn't have hand this,after finding none he smirked at Benito and moved so fast that Benito couldn't see him and had pinned the shocked man to the cell wall with a hand to his throat.

Hadrian with growl said"I already have enough work because of you and I don't want to hear you monologue."then Benito burst into flames as Hadrian walked back to his office muttering about the people he had to oblivate and newborns he had help adjusting with their new life.

Even after his death Benito had now a legend,he had left a legacy many vampires started to try his method,but only for Chronos to quickly intervened,but a crafty female vampire named Maria found a coven named Chronos was the one who defeated the newborn army,she found out the fact that they had banned the practice of creating newborn armies,those that creates them were warned of the fact they would be killed.

Maria decided to create a newborn army,but more subtly.She believed if she had enough newborns Chronos wouldn't dare to attack her.But this would practically be her undoing.