Chapter 30

[A/N:I was going to write a chapter with lemon,but now not sure about it.]

Hadrian was really interested seeing the grandchildren of Ephraim practicing meditation as clear mind and good control of their emotions could do wonders for your control in shifting.It also makes sure you wouldn't lose control of your anger.

Ephraim who was now old man looked at Hadrian and with grateful tone said"Thank you for taking my grandchildren under your care."

Hadrian shook hair head and replied"Don't say that,they are my descendants too.Also when I am way they could get help from the portrait of Taha Aki."

Ephraim nodded he had learned a lot from Raja Aki too,but learning directly from Hadrian was going to be a great boon for his grandkids.

Ephraim with a sigh said"It won't be long before I leave this world."

Hadrian smiled and replied"I am sure you will meet your wife and parents in the afterlife."

Ephraim smiled and give nod said"Thank you for everything."

Hadrian waved it off,as he was just helping his family.While Hadrian heard from Alice that one of Billy's child will have the strongest witch blood it would rival that of Alice,Alec and Jane.

Hadrian watched as the Black siblings slowly opened their eyes from there meditative trace.Seeing all of them taking this like fish in water,Hadrian smiled and said"Good you guys are progressing a pot with your training."

Billy, Nora, Jennie, Connie and Emmie Black were really one of the strongest packs among the quileutes.Hadrian was really interested in seeing their future,because of the witch blood in them shifter were much stronger than the original timeline making them strong enough to take out a cold one alone.

Billy excited asks"Can we shift again?"

Hadrian chuckled and replied"Yes,you can and you will soon start patroling the woods."

All it them were excited,they already didn't have problem with competing school as they did have to go patroling all the time nor did they have a problem getting a job.

One by one they leaned to shift intentionally,it was painful for them at the start.But they quickly learned.

Billy was big grey wolf like his father,Nora was Black one,Jennie was russet wolf,Connie a silver coated wolf and Emmie was liver white wolf.Their pack was now consider ones with best team work because of there sibling bond was so great there sense of teach other made them work even without their wolf telepathy.

Hadrian smiled at group as with lunge he burst into huge black wolf with green glowing eyes,normally Hadrian could take any animal he wanted from magical to non magical,but his shifter form was a Nundu,here he considered it overkill.

Hadrian Black wolf form was takes off with the 5 wolves give chase, disappearing. It all happened soundlessly, in seconds, unbeknownst to the others.In the woods same lightning fast cuts of the chase the wolves are right on Hadrian's tail, blasting through the forest .All of them where moving at breakneck speed through the forest.

The whole experience was really freeing for Billy,Nora,Jennie,Connie and Emmie.They were trained more,such that they could take part in patrols.Also the girls now had enchanted clothes that didn't tear up and it would cover them quickly when they shifted into their human form.

The Black sibling would go down in tribe history as the only pack who had all member who are from the same family,they will also be considered on of the strongest pack because of their teamwork.They would face quite a number of nomadic vampires during their time.

This was life,Ephraim soon passed away feeling happy that his tribe could have much better life now.Emphraim death was soon followed by last two his pack members Quil Ateara II and Levi Uley.It was very sad moment,but all three had created their magical portraits in the Tribe council just like their ancestors to help the future tribe members.

William Black Sr son of Ephraim took the role as Chief of the Tribe.While the wolf tooth necklace chose him as the rightful chief,while Black family was not always the tribe chief their has been Uley and Ateara who were chief's too.