Chapter 32

[A/N:So Rebecca would be strongest Shifter and Rachel would have supernatural gift.Also the pack won't be bashed and Jacob would be quite different from the canon.]

Rosalie was now watching her three year old daughter Lily play with building blocks.Rosalie had wistful smile on her face,she was really happy.

That's when she felt a pair of hands wrapping around her waist,Rosalie gave smiled as she knew it was,Hadrian who then pulls her close whispering"How is Lily?"

Rosalie looking at Lily replied"She is okay,she wants to go and play with Rebecca and Rachel after this."

Hadrian smiled and said"That's good,I am sure Sarah would love to have us over."

Rosalie turned and gave Hadrian a peck on the lip while saying"You forgot they are soon going to have baby,so it Sarah won't be able to look after all of them."

Hadrian nodded Lily,Rachel and Rebecca were really good friends.Hadrian slowly went and lifted Lily up as the little girl laughed.Hadrian was really glad the child was not a hybrid,because those children were never able to enjoy their childhood nor were they able to make friends without causing suspicion.

While Billy Black was really living good life,he had a good wife,two sweet girls and the third one was on the way.Also he was able to sense that his girls were special as Rebecca showed signs of being a shifter,while Rachel was very sweet girl would soon awaken a really strong gift of psychometry, meaning she can sense the auras of anyone or anything in the vicinity, the exact distance limit is unknown.She usually focuses her aura sensing to a single target, and wears gloves to limit her psychometry because if she doesn't wear her gloves or she will uncontrollably sense the aura of anyone or anything she is around.

While it was very nice,he didn't forget his duties to his tribe and always made sure to even take care his family and tribe.

Just a year after Bella's birth,Renée left Charlie, and taking Bella to California.Billy already figured out Renée enjoyed the novelty of being married.He was even sure Renee was happy when she heard she was a mother,However being this adventurous and spirited women,everything must have started to get stale. The constant covering of clouds and rain depressed her, and Charlie's busy time at work and caring for his parents left her unhappy and trapped. Though she loved Charlie, there was no adventure left in their now staid relationship.It all happened so suddenly that Charlie was devastated with divorce.

Billy was with a very drunk Charlie,he was consoling his friend to the best of his ability saying"I know it's hard,but you can't force her to stay either."

Charlie in drunken replied"I know,but why did she take Bella with her.I mean Renee can't even hold one job properly,so how is she going to raise Bella."

Billy nodded,Renee was a very eccentric,forgetful, and very childish.Billy wasn't even sure about Renee being serious about the whole marriage,he wasn't surprised how it ended.Billy sighed and thought"For Renee everything was a joke."he remembered how Charlie talked about Renee unhappy with his work schedule,even Charlie taking care of his parents had caused small arguments within the family.

Charlie sighed and said"I know,I am not father material.But I could have taken care of Bella and provided her easily."

Billy really didn't understand how Renee got the custody over Bella,but again Charlie was too soft and he probably couldn't refute Renee.

Charlie with slurred tone said"I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with her,but she just couldn't seem to compromise with anything."

Billy replied"I know buddy."Billy and Sarah really compromised many things for their family,it was something common in marriage,like Billy had stopped being shifter for couple of years to raise his kids with his wife and Sarah who was actually college graduate didn't go out of Forks for job,because both their parents were in Forks so they needed someone to look after them.

Billy slowly picked Charlie up and helped him into his bedroom while saying"Come on buddy,let's get you to bed."

Billy knew Charlie was too good for Renee.He also remembered Sue Uley had huge crush on Charlie,but Charlie was too enamoured with Renee that he didn't notice it.

[A/N:Their is change in the timeline,here Sue Clearwater isn't the mother of Leah and Seth Clearwater.]

Billy did slightly regret not putting slight effort in bringing the two together.But he could do nothing as Sue Uley married Johan Lahote,but he heard they were not exactly having a good marriage,there was even rumours about divorce.Billy sighed and thought"Let fate decide what happens to these two."