Chapter 37

[A/N:I started writing Harry Potter x Locke and Key crossover and it is interesting.It have written about 6 chapters for now and the pairing is Harry Potter x Kinsey Locke.]

Hadrian was sitting watching TV,while Kate entered the room she was thoughtful having living in Forks for while she slowly found the peaceful atmosphere if the town really nice.

Kate slowly went and sat on Hadrian's lap,as he wrapped his hands around her waist and gave peck on Kate's cheek as she snuggled into his chest. Hadrian then whispered"Where is Rosalie?"

Kate replied"She went with Lily to meet Alec and Jane."Hadrian nodded and muttered"It has been sometime since we all had dinner together."

Kate nodded,His hands did roam a bit and went down to cup her ass,Kate just gave moan as Hadrian noticed her behaviour asked"What happened?"

Kate shook her head and replied"Nothing,just the Cullen's are coming back soon and this was supposed to be their territory."

Hadrian smiled and said"It is both the Quilute and Cullen's territory.Since I am one the Quilutes we can stay here without any issues.After all they signed the treaty and with me here nothing would happen."

Kate nodded and said"They are coming back to Forks after seventy years.I never did understand Carlisle need to enroll them in highschool everytime.I mean their looks itself makes them stand out among the students."

Hadrian sighed and thought"With time technology is also evolving so Carlisle would have to stop this practice to make sure humans don't notice them.Especially when the digital age starts everything would be on the internet in blink of an eye."

Kate slowly lifted her head and looked at Hadrian and said"I am ready to have a child."That's how Luna Peverell was born.Luna's ability would awaken when she 10 years old,her ability allows her to phase through molecules through solid matter at will, which is very useful when escaping enemies or dodging physical attacks.

It was one year after Bella left in 2003,that the Olympic coven returns to Forks, Washington after almost seventy years.Ashley, Emmett, and Adam start at Forks High as sophomores, while Edward and Lia begin as Freshmen.But this was just the start of the problem as the Cullen's sensed another group was in their territory as Adam used his ability to track down the location.

Carlisle and his family saw Kate,Rosalie and Hadrian waiting for them infront of house.Ashley with smile"Kate."

As Ashley ran and hugged her both where great friends and Lisa gave Rosalie hug,as Carlisle was confused and also slight afraid because he didn't tell anyone about the shapeshifters.

Carlisle questioned"Kate,Hadrian what are you doing here?"

Vampires those have covens always mark their territory and it is not great idea to hunt in another Coven's territory.Even Nomadic vampires who trespass in another coven's territory often makes sure to ask the coven permission to cross.Also Covens sometimes do fight over territories,but it is not appreciated as it causes too much attention to themselves.

Carlisle here was subtly implying why are you here and this was their territory,Kate understood it as she shrugged and replied"Carlisle we are not here to claim the territory.But we already have slight claim here."

The Cullen's were surprised as Rosalie added"Hadrian here has blood ties with Quilute and so being a member of the tribe so we have no issues staying in Quilute's territory.So by the agreement you signed we can stay at the Quilute side without any issues."

Hadrian having heard Carlisle thoughts added"Also don't imply we were here first or this was your territory,I was here with Tribe before you were even here."

Edward didn't like it as he questioned"The Volturi won't like the fact you are contacting humans about our existence."

Hadrian looked at Edward as if he was an idiot and replied"Jason Jenks ."

Just that name caused Edward as this was the attorney and forger of legal documents that Cullens always contacted to forge birth certificates, passports, and a driver's license.Jenks always knew Cullen's were immortal,he just didn't know what they were.

Carlisle raised his hands in surrender,he always knew Hadrian was annoyed by their family(Atleast Edward and Carlisle rest was actually friendly with Hadrian.)

Esme,Lia,Ashley and Adam tried to remove the tense atmosphere by making jokes and taking about the past.It was enough to remove slight hostile environment,also Ashley did gave Edward to look saying not to cause any trouble.

It was in 2004 because of the presence of the Cullens causes Quileute Sam Uley to become a shape-shifting werewolf.But thanks to Hadrian's presence Sam and Leah were warned about imprinting and shapeshifting.Both understood the implications and decided not to be in a serious relationship and when Sam did shapeshift he imprinted on Leah.

As more Quileutes begin to phase, Sam Uley creates the Uley pack.