Chapter 43

Laurent is held down by Alec and James was hed down by Demetri.No matter how much they tried they couldn't break from the enchanted cuffs,it drained their physical strength to normal human level.

This scared Laurent and James,who never been so powerless since their transformation into cold one.Laurent tried to beg"We didn't know this area was already,we were just passing by."

Hadrian smiled and said"Lie,you were sent here by someone.Just give up the names already."

James was glaring at Hadrian decided spit on the ground,Hadrian sighed and pointed his hand on his direction and muttered"Crucio."

As James was wreathing in pain,it was so intense, so all-consuming, that James no longer knew where he was... white-hot knives were piercing every inch of his skin, his head was surely going to burst with pain.

Laurent seeing James in such pain decided to spill everything"It was the Voulturi,they told us to scout this area in return we could use their name whenever we are in trouble with covens.Aro wanted the details of the Olympic coven who is living here."

Hadrian hummed and thought"So it's Aro again,although this time he doesn't know I was in the area."

Aro seems to be eying the Olympic Coven's gifted now,he was sure the Covens.Hadrian simply gestured to Alec and Demetri to finish them off.

Alec simply grabbed James and ripped it off,while Laurent was begging for mercy Demetri did the same thing to him.Both of them ripped to pieces then set ablaze,Billy came back after searching for Victoria's trail so with slightly defeated tone said"She escaped,the red jumped into the ocean."

Hadrian sighed he knew from the James memories that this women was from Hilda's coven,Hadrian remembered she was the one who ran away leaving her sister behind.

Hadrian decided to tell Anne about this news after all this James was Victoria's mate.So it won't be long before she comes back for revenge,Hadrian turned to Billy and said"Billy make sure strengthen the daily night patrols.Since her mate died she is bound to come looking for revenge,the tribe would be her first target then probably the Cullens."

Billy nodded and replied"I will warn everyone."

Hadrian was thoughtful and added"I will strengthen the barriers around the tribe for safety purposes."

Billy was happy to have extra defences,after this particular vampire seems to be too slippery to get hold off.Hadrian then turned to Alec and Demetri saying"Both of you go send a message to Hilda's clan about the issue,I am sure Victoria will go their to ask for help.I don't want them to be involved in this matter."

Demetri and Alec nodded,but Demetri decided to add his thoughts "The chances are she will try to guilt trip Anne into working with her."

Alec who heard this shook his head and said"Noway that is possible Anne pretty much moved on from Victoria.I remember the day like yesterday she was devastated when she learned Victoria had abandoned her."

Hadrian agreed with Alec and said"Yes,If by chance she does try to guilt trip Anne,it won't work and Victoria never went to Hilda's coven after that,so she can't just show up and want to Anne to act like her sister now."

Hadrian was thoughtful then added"Both of you come back after this,we need some more people here for protection."

They were a happy to help,also both liked to piss of Edward whenever they met.It did surprise them when they found out that neither Carlisle or other Cullen knew about Chronos,The Cullens were so out of touch with the supernatural world that they still believed Volturi was the ruling Coven.It didn't surprise Hadrian much since Carlisle was happy to live with the Mortals and idiots like Edward seem to disgusted with blood drinking vampires,so tehy mostly stayed clear of the.Like really they are vampire they are supposed to drink blood and animal blood doesn't satisfy a vampire for long.

Hadrian the very next day heard Edward was returning after getting control of his thirst,he was pretty sure the boy would something stupid soon and his thoughts were proven true.