Chapter 49

Hadrian was annoyed,but this time not with Edward.But Carlisle after all having found the boy trying to break in to the house was not small thing that could be ignored.So Hadrian went to Cullen's house with Kate and Rosalie,when he told Carlisle to control Edward the man just said"I will speak with Edward."

Hadrian with scowl said "Carlisle,I have ignored the stupid antics of the boy multiple times,but this time he directly tried to enter Bella's room just saw he could watch her sleep.This beyond creepy,I am not close to Bella.But Charlie is close friend of mine."

Carlisle was embarrassed by the whole thing nodded as Hadrian continued "I don't want just empty promises,make him understand boundaries between people.....Edward has already crossed the boundary by trying to get into a house that is under Quilute Tribe protection,but you also seem to ignore everything he does.If this continues we will have to kick you out and we will let the Alliance know about this especially since your son can't seems to follow basic rules."

Alliance was something started by Carlisle between different coven,it was basically for helping covens when they are in need.The Covens that are in in Alliance was Amazon coven,Egyptian coven,Irish coven,Mexican coven,Romanian coven,French coven and Denali coven.

Carlisle eyes widened in shock,since this could cause problems for them as the Alliance is one of the reason,they didn't have a big issue with other covens like Voulturi.

This was a real threat Edward was ready to fight,but quickly backed away seeing the glares in his direction like Kate,Rosalie, Lia,Adam and even Esme had disappointed look.

Kate added"Many members of the coven found his nosy behavior to be annoying,they never came to you because they respected you. Especially the Irish and Amazon coven with Edward poking around complaining or preaching about there diet in human blood."

Carlisle rubbed his temples seeing they were really serious about this and the warning was not to be overlooked.

Carlisle nodded replied"I will make sure this will never happen again."

Hadrian was not sure about that but still nodded and said"You really need to be the Leader of the coven instead of letting Edward make the choices and I can see your bias did cause some strain between your other members."

Carlisle felt as he was struck and saw none of his children denied it,that was really slap to the face.While Esme was more neutral and tried to be mother figure to everyone and she tried to make Carlisle understand the issue,but like Edward Carlisle had a stubbornness of his own.

But this time Carlisle and Esme talked with Edward without holding back.

Edward sulked and muttered"I wasn't that bad,he was just exaggerating."

Lia hearing this groaned and said"Idiot,I am friends with most of them,they were definitely annoyed by you and most of them didn't complain because of their respect for Carlisle and probably there friendship with Esme."

Adam seeing Edward was ready to argue with him mate cut in"It is true,I mean most of them keep a distance from you because,you have contempt for human blood drinker,which is one of the reasons what they don't like visiting us."

Carlisle and Esme never knew Edward had caused so many issues,also Carlisle himself felt responsible for letting Edward do what he wanted.So he promised himself to take the role of Coven leader more seriously.