Chapter 53

Hadrian soon learned that Edward really told Bella about the Supernatural and even brought the girl to meet the family.

Adam and Lia were the once visiting them and explained everything,Lia rubbing her temple said"The meeting was so awkward,I mean Edward brought her and Esme was even going to cook for her, which got ruined by Edward."

Hadrian chuckled hearing this,while Adam"Ashley while accepted her seems to think she is enamored by the whole Supernatural thing than her love for Edward."

Hadrian nodded and with him replied"That is actually quite true."

While Lia hearing this wasn't actually happy nor could she teachically fault Bella,since many had false view of immortality or vampire life,Lia then spoke up"She is going to reality check,when she finds out about about all the downsides of immortality."

Hadrian,Rosalie and Adam nodded all of them didn't become immortal by choice.While their life was better than most vampires.

Rosalie then asked"So I heard you guys were going to play baseball tomorrow because there is a storm coming."

Adam and Lia smiled at that,while Lia spoke up"We were hoping to invite you guys to the game?"

Hadrian looked at Rosalie,who nodded and Kate just gave a shrug.

While Rachel,Jane,Demetri,Alec and they had a gifted cold one names Louis with them,who had the ability to sense gifted cold ones.

They scouted the place,the place was filled with werewolves and by the looks of it the recruiting place was the school.

Alec and Jane had seen memories of Hadrian with Children of the Moon,so they could tell this group was really well organized than than they thought and the threat level just lightly increased,when they spotted two more gifted vampires one was an element user,but unlike Benjamin this person is a Fire user.

The other one had sensor ability,but thanks to their cloaking rings he was unable to sense them.

That's when Alec noticed and recognized the Headmaster of the school,it was Grigori who was one of the leaders involved in the vampires vs Werewolf war,the Volturi had nearly eradicated all werewolves from Europe and Asia.

Jane also noticed this and muttered"So he is the one leading the children of the Moon."

Alec hummed and replied"Probably,but we will have to inform brother about this."

Rachel didn't know about this person asked"Who is he?"

Jane answered "You could say he was like General in war between werewolves and Cold ones,he was really hard to catch and a sneaky bastard.Originally he was thought to be killed in the war,but it seems he was alive all this time."

Rachel nodded,while Alec questioned"But how did he escape everytime and for him to fake death,he definitely would have is having someone on the inside."

Demtri hearing this asked"You are tell me a cold one betrayed the Volturi during that war."

Alec shrugged and replied"It is the only possible explanation of how he escaped all those raids,I mean someone inside was informing him about them.I mean Aro couldn't have checkedthe mind on every single on of them."

Everyone could see the scenario being likely,while they soon took out a portkey and teleported away from there.