Chapter 55 Baseball

As they climb in the Jeep,

Edward drove Bella to the location which was an enormous open field in the lap of the Olympic peaks. It was twice the size of any baseball stadium.

Bella could see the others all there; Esme,Ashley and Lia, sitting on a bare outcropping of rock, were the closest to us, maybe a hundred yards away. Much farther out she could see Adam and Emmett, at least a quarter of a mile apart, appearing to throw something back and forth,she guessed it was a ball.It looked like Carlisle was marking bases.

Bella notices a baseball bat and some new faces,also she was sure she had seen the messy haired and green eyed man before.

Bella questioned"Who are they?"

Edward knew this question was coming and with forced smile answered"They are our cousin's in a sense,they are the Denali coven.The male is Hadrian Black and yes he is related to the Quileute,the women next to him are Kate and Rosalie his mates."

Bella was slightly surprised hearing his connection to Quileute and having to mates,as she asked"Is he immortal?....Also how does he have two mates?"

Edward nodded and replied"Yes,he is told to be the first immortal,some say he is originator of our species.About him having two mates that I

is mystery,but it is proven to be true bond.So no one can say anything against it."

Bella found him handsome and very curious about his past.The whole first immortal attracted her attention,while she decided to not let Edward notice this spoke up"And since when do vampires like baseball?"

Edward smiled and replied"It's the American pastime. Plus, there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why."

In the clearing in the woods storm clouds gather in the sky as Bella and Edward pull up in the Jeep. She takes in a rough baseball diamond, set into an enormous field in the lap of the Olympic peaks. Esme and Emmett come to greet Bella.

Esme wanted Bella to feel part of the team and said"Good thing you're here. We need a umpire."

Kate always felt something off about the girl and questioned"Wouldn't she only really able to see our movement,I mean everything would be just blur for her."

This brought silence,as Ashley,Rosalie and Lia nodded,while Adam and Emmet didn't say anything,but they agreed with that.

So Carlisle smiled and said"Let her watch the match then."

Bella nodded as the game started with Lia on the Pitcher's Mound as she yelled in excitement "It's time."

Just as a deep Rumble of thunder shakes the forest.

As Bella stays by Esme who plays catcher and Rosalie was the batter with Hadrian and Kate just watching everything for now.

Lia stood straight, deceptively motionless. Her style seemed to be stealth rather than an intimidating windup. She held the ball in both hands at her waist, and then, like the strike of a cobra, her right hand flicked out and the ball smacked into Esme's hand.It lightning-fast speed. Edward and Emmett take positions in the outfield.

Then Lia pitched at lightning fast speed,which

Rosalie smashes the ball with the aluminum bat,the crack of impact was shattering, thunderous; it echoed off the mountains.The ball shot like a meteor above the field, flying deep into the surrounding forest.

This was immediately followed directly by real thunder.

Bella whispered to Esme"Now I get why you need the thunder."

The ball shoots like a meteor deep into the forest, rocketing through the trees. Edward disappears after it.

Bella questioned"That has to be a home run."

Esme shook her head and replied"Edward's very fast."

Hadrian shook his head hearing this and thought "If she is normal vampire probably,but Rosalie is much stronger and faster."

Rosalie darts around the bases, almost a blur -- Edward races out of the forest with the ball and WHIPS it to home plate.But too late Rosalie passed the third base.

WHAP! Esme catches it.

The match continued as Dr.Cullen hittings a line drive. Edward and Emmett race for the catch,diving 15 feet and colliding with such might that it sounds like enormous boulders falling. They miss the ball,while Dr. Cullen is safe!

The match soon ended,but Hadrian could tell Bell a was subtly looking at him from time to time.

This only made him want to avoid the girl more.