Chapter 57

Hadrian was with Alec,Jane,Demetri,Kate and Rosalie with their respective teams to attack the base which was sewer.

Rosalie and Kate wanted some kind of action,since it has some time since they fought.

Hadrian looked around the rusted metal grate,which was torn up by Demetri and carelessly tossed to one side, leaving only a gaping black pit in the floor of the drainage tunnel.

As Alec held his hand out and conjured a black mist,which descended into the dark hole.

As werewolves down below heard the noise signaled one of them of check it out,but before any of them could react the so called mist caught them and completely paralyzed them.

Hadrian,Kate,Alec,Jane and Demetri came down and checked the place out because of the cloak rings not one of them noticed them.But all of them knew it won't long before all he'll break loose.

Hadrian held his hand out as the wolves that were paralyzed all burst into flames.He signaled them to split up and went into different directions,he walked forward as brick and mortar crashed behind him.He spun around and saw two rampaging werewolves explode from a collapsed archway. The gigantic beasts howled at the sight of his and immediately gave chase, pouncing from wall to wall as they charged toward him, fangs bared, eager to tear him to pieces. Froth flew from the corners of their snapping jaws.

But they were knocked off their feet, seized by an invisible grasp and tossed into the air and then was slammed against the walls with such force that it cracked.

Hadrian didn't give it a chance as the two beasts roar with smoke rising from their eyes! Crackling coils of yellow flame snake out of his empty eye sockets as the flesh melts away from their face! Streaming from their skull like liquid paraffin!

Hadrian watched as the skeleton of the beasts drop on the ground.

While he head growls and snarls coming from a distance and couldn't help think"So more company."

While Rosalie peered over the edge,but then tremendous roar cut her off as a werewolf charged up at her with his slashing claws struck out at them.

As she sped and dodged its claws and jumped on its back and ripped its head off.

On the hand Kate was having the time of her life as she saw snarling werewolves coming out of the shadows with fangs bared, cobalt eyes gleaming, they bounded down heading straight for her. Foam dripped from their frothing jaws.

Kate's whole body started to trickle with electricity,This is going to be fun.

Electricity starts to course through her body and spends forwards and evdes their attempts to grab her with their claws,while she performed a punch straight to gut,also releasing a burst of electricity.

This caused the werewolf fall on the ground the start shaking from the shock,while the other one launched at her trying to bit her,but again Kate evaded it and simply touched his back and sent burst of shock knocking it out.

Both of them were still stunned as Kate started ripping them to pieces and took out a potion Hadrian created pours it over the bodies of the werewolves,it was luminescent liquid that caused the whole body to burst into the flames.But she heard more coming her away.