Word = narration

"Word" = talking

'Word' = thoughts

["word"] = video, recording, etc.

[]Word[] = transformation chant

-Third POV-

A girl with long green hair kicked one of the bathroom stalls to see a boy sitting on the toilet, reading a book. He jumped in shock and looked at her.

"You were there at that moment," She said, "do you know about these two?" She took out a picture of Kamen Rider Wizard and Wilson, responding with him shaking his head. She gritted her teeth and walked away.


After adapting to the new world, and accepting Queen Gwains terms, Ami and her friends decided to help Wilson with his battles, while keeping his identity secret from the public. Thanks to this, they have gotten stronger together. Wilson was currently in the library , finding out more about the woman who keeps attacking people. Her name is Luna Moonlight Manen, a scientist and the founder of Luna Tech, the top electronic company in the world.

'This makes no sense,' He thought, 'Her company is the best in the world, Gwain would've stopped her if she figured this out.' He looked through photos of Luna and their products.

'Gwain is suspicious. Why hire a guy who doesn't know how to fight?' He questioned, 'And when I got my ass kicked, It was the same day as Luna started attacking...or at least, the first day I came to this world.'

'I'll look more into it later,' He thought, sitting on a chair in the college library, 'I need to go back to the watchtower, they said they'll be there.' He stood up and walked out of the library.

He walked out heading to the entrance to see a poster of a girl with yellow hair looking like lightning. While he was looking at the poster, someone bumped into me. I turn to see a girl with long green hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, looking angry, "My bad-" She suddenly turned around to face him. She stared at him for a few seconds before zooming to a door with a sign saying "Principal's office".

"PRINCIPAL! PRINCIPAL!" She yelled, banging on the door, "Open up! He's here" Wilson raised an eyebrow then saw two people wearing purple clothes carrying a book shelf walking to him

"Hey kid," the man looked at him, "Is this the principal's office?" He asked.

"Uh... yeah." He said, nodding. He was behind the shelf so swiftly walked away.

-Time skip-

After climbing up the long ladder to the top. He entered the tower and saw furniture, like a bed, a TV, etc.

"It's better than last time I saw it." Hesaid to himself. He saw two identical people carry a mattress, following them was Deva.

"Wait," He said, looking at another identical person carrying a box, "Who's paying for all of this?"

"Relax, Ami's paying for everything," Deva said, "She said you saw this as your home." He turned to see Ami with another identical, pointing a direction to place the box. She then looked at his and pinched my cheeks.

"Stop that," I said, putting her hand down, "I'm not a kid." I said, smiling at her.

"Alright, all set.." The identical people stood by each other and glowed purple before they merged together, shocking for Wilson, "We just need the recipient's signature."

"Easy," Deva said, "All this goes on Queen Gwains tab."

"Well, I don't get paid for thinking," He said, walking to the door, "I'll assume this is alright."

-On the ground-

We were walking down a trail road to the city. While Wilson was being pushed by Deva.

"Ok, let's change that old fashioned look you got." Deva said, pushing him.

"What's wrong with looking old fashioned?" He asked, feeling offended.

"Ami, Lanney, come quickly!" Deva called out to both of them, ignoring his question.

-Time skip-

They entered a clothes store named Soup for some reason and tried on the clothes. Deva gave him a hawaii style shirt. I put it on and show it to them.

"That's better, don't you think?" Deva said, looking at him.

"I guess…" He said, looking at a mirror.

"You look even more handsome." Deva complimated.

"Uh...thanks?" he said to Deva.

"Not like me tho'," Agni said, "but you look good, buddy."

"Alright!" he shouted, raising his hands in the air, "What's next?"


After watching a movie, they walked around the park and saw a food truck called Donut Shop Hungry. They walked to the food truck and sat down on the chairs. A man in pink clothing and girlish hair walked to them holding a menu.

"Hello~!" He greeted them, "What would you like today?" He passed them menus.

"Hmm," Deva looked through the selection of doughnuts, "I would like to have the Poitrine donut"

"I would have an Orange donut." Lanney said, pointing at a donut looking like an orange.

"I will take the Hope donut." Agni said.

Ami pointed at a donut on the menu called Budou Donut.

"I'll have the Plain sugar donut." Wilsom said.

"Alrighto~!" The man said, walking to the food truck and grabbing the donuts. He and another person with short black hair walked to them holding plates of donuts.

"Here you go~!" The man said, placing the plates on the table. They took they're donuts and started eating.

"That's weird, that psycho left us be for a couple of days," Deva said, "I even miss those metal things she sends to kill us."

"I'm actually grateful that nothing is trying to kill us." Wilsom said, taking a bite out of his donut.

"Alright, lets enjoy our day off!" Deva said with a smile. Then she looked towards Ami because she was looking at something.

"What's up?" She asked. She looked up at a tree and her eyes glowed. She took out her bow and shot at something in the tree. A girl jumped down from the tree and started walking away before falling to the fall. The girl looked towards the group.

"Ok, what the hell are you spying on us?" Deva asked her.

"Hey, aren't you the girl who bumped into me?" Wilson asked

"Leave me be," She said, trying to recover, "You don't know what you're doing!"

"Isn't she the president of the students board?" Lanney said.

"Yeah," Agni confirmed to her, "What's her name...Marlow I think."

"Why does a girl this popular spy on the school's misfits?" Deva questioned.

"You don't get it," She said, staring at the,, "I'm not here for you." She looked at us angrily, "I'm here for that meddling fire guy!"

Deva turned her head to look at Agni. "What the hell did you do now?" She asked him.

"Nothing, I haven't done anything bad for days." He said.

"I don't think She's talking about Agni." Wilson said, 'I think she knows.'

"Not him," She said, "him…" She stared at me.

"That's right, I know your secret." She said, looking at me with an angry face, "I know what you are."

'Ah shit.' Wilsom thought to myself.

"You're no Teoran, you're a threat." She said, standing up. "And I have enough evidence."

"I just need to follow you for a while to make sure of something." She said.

"Now that I did, I'll let everyone know your real identity." Marlow said, taking out a book with a silhouette of a three headed snake from her sleeves.

"Do you recognise this?" She asked.

"A mythological creature's bestiary," Wilson, said, "A book with all kinds of monsters and other creatures."

"Exactly," she said with a smirk, "If you want it, come and get it."

"So annoying," Deva said, "Agni, put her in her place." Agni started walking to her. He placed her hand on her shoulder.

"To the kitchen!" He was immediately defeated. Kicked to a wall.

"....Why 'to the kitchen?" Wilson asked.

"Alright, if you come for me, that's cause' you have something to hide." She said, running off.

"Shit." Wilson said, taking out the High Speed ring.

"Wilson has nothing to hide, besides-"

[]High Speed, Please![]

Before Deva could finish, Wilson zoomed past her, running after Marlow.

"That's right, you came for the bait." Marlow said to herself. "I just need to take you away from here." She ran faster, with Wilson running like he was running for his life, which was true

'I could've just don't run after her, but she'll probably tell Gwain," Wilson thought to himself, 'Well, no stopping now, it's either that way or the highway to my death, hopefully this spell doesn't wear off.' He speeds up with a face of determination. With the others Ami looked like wanted to puke, Lanney just looked at her, and Deva watched Wilson as he ran off, chasing Marlow.

"What was that about?" Deva asked, "Ami? Amy ideas?" Ami made a face that said 'Uhh…'


'Dawn, He really is fast.' Marlow thought, still running from Wilson, 'I have to keep him from getting closer. If he touches me, I'm doomed' She ran as a wind of dust follows her. Wilson continued to follow her, blocking the dust with his arms. Wilson noticed the glyph beneath his feet started to slowly fade.

'Oh, not now!' The glyph disappeared as Wilson began to slow down, now running normally.

"Shit…" He looked through his pockets, placing the Driver ring on his finger and placed it on his belt.

[]Driver on, Please![]

The driver appeared on his belt. He grabbed an emerald ring from the chain and placed it on his left hand.

"If I'm correct, this has the power of wind...probably." Wilson said. He flipped the lever down and placed his hand.

[]Hurricane, Please! Fu-Fu, Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu![]

A glyph appeared in front of me. He runs through it, forming my wind form.

"It's…" He flipped the lever up and placed my right hand.

[]High Speed, Please![]

"SHOWTIME!" He sprinted forward. Chasing after Marlow. He runs through a forest, seeing Marlow wall run on a cliff and hopping on a mountain cliff. He jumps in the air and lands behind her, continuing to pursue her.

"Surprised to see me?" He asked, smirking under his helmet.

"Forget it, monster!" She yelled at him, "Once the principal knows about you, the Queen will learn about everything!" They continue running and enter a hole in the mountain. Marlow jumps off the wall and kicks Wilson. He bounces off the wall and she prepares to kick him but he counters by grabbing her leg and throwing her down.

"The Queen is fully aware of me," He said, diving down, "Why do you think I'm Ami's bodyguard?" He punched her in the back but she kicked him in the stomach. They both collided on the wall, sliding on the wall. They reached the bottom of the hole, a cave. They land and Marlow runs, Wilson chases her.

"I'm just trying to not get killed!" He chases her, closing in on her. She jumped and kicked a stalagmite, causing it to fall, and she continued this process. Wilson dodged them easily and continued to pursue her.

"You really want me to make it easy for you?" She said harshly, "Demons like you should be buried!" She rolled forward like sonic, jumping up and down hitting the stalagmite and letting them fall to the ground.

Wilson dodged them, but was hit by some of them. He continued to dodge but was overwhelmed, for there were too many of them. There was gust and smoke caused by the stalagmites. Marlow looked at the rubble as the smoke cleared. Slowly getting up from the rubble was Wilson, groaning in pain.

"Ow…" He looked at Marlow, "Don't assume everything you read is actually real." He smirked under his helmet, while Marlow looked at him, dumbfounded that he survived.

"Surprised?" He said, clenching his stomach. 'This form is the fastest form, but the weakest. I was lucky that I survived that.' he thought to himself. Marlow runs away again, with Wilson giving chase. They enter another cave, full of bats.

"Goddamn bats!" Wilson said, swinging his hands at the bats. He continued to chase Marlow, passing by even more bats. Marlow ran through the bats and jumped on some pillars, and went through a hole. Wilson jumped on the pillars but slipped on some bat feces. He hit his face on the wall and fell through the hole.

"OW…!" He groaned, placing his hands on his face. He turns to see Marlow, and he stands up facing her. They heard a beeping sound behind when suddenly a shell-like drill came out of the wall, hitting Wilson and sending him back and knocking back Marlow.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Marlow yelled.

"A BIG ROBOT! THAT'S YOUR ANSWER!" Wilson answered. Marlow hopped back and looked at the drill continuing its thing.

"It doesn't seem to stop." Marlow said.

"No shit, sherlock! Let's move!" They started to run away from the drill, going around obstacles. They continue to run, until they hit a dead end.

"Oh, no…" Marlow said, "We got a problem"

"Shit…" Wilson said, turning around and seeing the drill slowly getting closer, "Welp, we're dead, no big surprise."

"Don't you have some sort of teleporting ring?!" Marlow asked.

"Nope." he lied, "Besides I'll get killed by Gwain anyway." Marlow looked at him.

"W-what?" Marlow asked, stuttering.

"Yeah, If my secret got out, she would kill me, I'm basically forced to protect Ami." He said, looking at her.

"...You're just tricking me." She said, glaring at me.

"Yesn't." He said, with Marlow looking at him in confusion. Suddenly a thunderous sound was heard. They looked in front of them to see the drill was gone, and was replaced by a giant hole.

"Where is the robot?" Wilson asked. Then the floor beneath them started to rumble. Suddenly a large and long, yellow worm-like creature came out of the floor,.launching them in the air. As they were falling, the creature started to fly around. When it closed on them, they grabbed one of its segments and held on for dear life. The creature began to fly very fast. It was flying all over the place.

The creature itself is divided into a head, ten segments, and a tail. Each segment has the shape of a donut with an orb of light in the middle of it, and they each have three fins of light that rotate around the exterior. It also had an incredibly large jaw, with three teeth on both sides.

"MY ARMS ARE HURTING! MAKE IT STOP!" Marlow cried. Wilson opened a Connect portal.

'Why did THIS have to happen?! I could've talked her out of not telling Gwain and be fine!' He thought. He grabbed his sword from the portal, and stabbed its body. The creature stopped, turned its head, and looked at them.

"Don't do that again…" Marlow warned. Wilson slowly put away his sword and patted its body. He put his hands together and bowed his head.

"I am so sorry, majestic creature of beauty." Wilson apologies. "Please spare us...?" The creature glared at the two. It roared at them in rage.

"I'm blaming you for all this." Marlow looked at him.

"You did say 'make it stop', but I'm ok with that." Wilson said.


Agni, Ami, Deva, and Lanney were on a train. They saw where Wilson and Marlow were heading and decided to go after them. Deva glanced over Ami, who turned away looking sad and with her ears down.

"Yeah, I wouldn't look at your face either." She said angrily.

"Easy, Deva." Agni said to Deva, looking at her, "It's not that big of a deal."

"How can you say it's not?!" She angrily said, standing up, "She hid something very important from us." She turned her head and pointed at Ami, who looked down.

-Back with Wilson and Marlow-

"Besides, If you hadn't been hiding from me all this time, I would've

Turned you in!" Marlow nagged. They were standing on the creature's body segments, and she has been nagging Wilson for three minutes straight.

"Didn't I tell you I had to hide my identity or else I would get killed." Wilson said, kinda annoyed at this point.

"How should I know you're not lying?" She asked, glaring at me. "Still! If you hadn't been hanging out with those kids, we would not have this problem now."

"I have to protect Ami, remember? I'm her bodyguard." Wilson said, "And the're are my friends, I got their back and I have theirs." Two of the body segments they were standing on started to glow. Suddenly they were blasted upwards. The creature opened its mouth and fired a charged blast of light at Marlow. Light flashed before Marlow, this was it, this was the end.

[]Defend, Please![]

A voice shouted out. Marlow slowly opened her eyes to see Wilson in front of her, behind a glyph.

"Hanging out friends is also fun, we might get into a crazy situation like this one." Wilson said, with Marlow holding him around the neck. Marlow then realized that He was floating.

"You might be thinking how I can fly now, you can say it's a feeling to protect others." Wilson said with a chuckle, "Maybe the feeling to fly too." Marlow just glared at him.

"Not a word." She said, sounding like she wanted to kick him. He did a 'ok' sign with his fingers and pulled out a ring with the silhouette of dragons copying each other. He wore the ring and placed it on his belt.

[]Copy, Please![]

A glyph appeared and out came another Wizard, Wilson continued to make copies until there were ten copies of himself.

"You," Wilson pointed at one of the copies, "Bring Marlow back to the ground." The copy nodded and grabbed Marlow, flying her down. The creature roared at Wilson and the copies.

"Now…" Wilson said, with him and all the copies pointing at the creature, "It's showtime!" They all shouted, flying towards the creature. Wilson took out his sword, and looked at the big hand of the sword.

"Hmmm…" He put his hand on the hand on the sword, he pulled the thumb and placed his right hand on it.

[]Copy, Please![]

A glyph appeared and out came a copied sword.

"Yo, mes!" he shouted to his clones, with all of them looking at him. He threw his sword at one of his copies, catching in, "Start coping!" He shouted at them. He copied another sword, and they all followed him, copying swords and passing them to others. Now they all have pairs of swords.

They all charged at the creature, dodging its blast and going in for slashes. Five of them place their left hand on the on the hand on the sword.

[]Water slash strike!(5x)[]




They charged at the creature and got a couple of slashes in, damaging it. It screeches in pain and starts firing its beams at random. Wilson took out the Kick ring and placed it on his driver, his clones doing the same.

[]Very nice! Kick strike![]

[]Fabulous! (10x)[]

"The finale!" They all yelled, aiming a flying kick at the beast. Their feet collide with the creature's body, knocking it back from the force. The creature falls to the ground, slowly getting up and giving a glare at Wilson, as his clones disappear. The creature started to fly away from Wilson.

"Whew" He sighed. Then he felt a menacing aura behind him. He slowly turns around to see Gwain staring at him.

"Uh...H-hey Gwain." He said nervously.

"You fought a sky leviathan, and won." She said, sounding impressed.

"Uh...Thanks?" He said, it was strange to see Gwain being impressed.

"Alright, lets go." She said, flying down, with Wilson following her. Down on the ground, Marlor stood beside Agni, Deva, Ami and Lanney. Gwain and Wilson land next to them.

"Alright, somebody explain what's going on?" She asked. Ami was about to explain but Wilson intervened.

"We were attacked by one of Luna's machines that came out of nowhere, but then that thing was destroyed and I think you can fit the pieces together." He explained. Gwain raised a brow and pointed at Marlow.

"Then who is she?" She asked, referring to Marlow. Wilson started sweating, realizing Marlow was here.

"I know his secret." Marlow said, much to Wilson's dismay.

"WHY!" was the expression on his face.

"From the bestiary, I concluded he's a human." Marlow said, opening the book. With everyone, they were shocked minus Ami and Gwain.

"Yeah, a human." She said, looking at them, and back to the book, looking at several stats of humans ability.

"That's right," She said plainly, "A human, weak power but with an amazing ability to use magic with rings."

"Aren't they extinct or something?" Deva asked.

"Um...What do you mean 'extinct'?" Wilson asked, terrified of what's going to happen.

"Long ago, the humans went to war with the Teorans with their power. In the end, they lost the war." Marlow answered.

"That doesn't answer my question!"

"Well, no one has ever since a human in years, historians were hunted to extinction or they went in hiding. The war was a really long time ago." Marlow said, scratching her chin.

"Alright, If you're done asking, I shall continue." Gwain said, sounding annoyed, "Sorry Will, a deal is a deal, your identity was questioned." Before Gwain grabbed Wilson, Marlow stood in front of him.

"Queen Gwain, I promise I'll keep his secret, don't do this!" Marlow begged her.

"If I let him live, It'd be a hazard, more so for Ami's future kingdom," She said coldly, "I won't train him no longer!"

"I'LL DO IT!" Marlow shouted. Gwain's face changed her face into a thinking face.

Deadly human, plus avocado girl, equals…


She quickly zoomed to Marlow, putting her arm over Marlow's shoulders.

"Why didn't you say so!" She said, sounding happy, "Say, are you sure you can deal with it?" She whispered to her.

"Well...I-" Before she can say, Gwain interrupts her.

"I can say you're a strong and resolutive girl." She said, laughing, with Marlow laughing awkwardly with her. Wilson was on the floor, processing what happened, then snapping back to reality, quickly crawling back to the others.

"Nigerundayo!" He said in fear to himself.

"Somebody explain to me what's going on here." Deva asked, with Wilson standing up.

"Your guess is better then mine." Wilson said.

"I don't know, but it seems to me they're getting along." lanney said.

"Well, that soothes me." Deva said, smiling.


-back at the food truck-

"I wonder where they went." The blonde haired man said, turning to the blacked haired man.

"Bonne soirée!" They turn to see two men. One man was in a pink suit. He has long green hair that touches his shoulder. He also has a mustache and a pair of glasses.

The other man had black hair that touched his neck. He wore a grey scarf and held a book.

"Ah! It's been awhile!Have a sit! The usual I presume?~" He asked, with them nodding.

-A few days later-

'I've been researching these kids lately.' Marlow thought, looking at the bestiary, smiling.

'It's interesting to see how they work as a whole.' She thought, looking at Agni holding a chili fruit up in the air, with Deva trying to grab it while Deva and Lanney watched, 'Such a different kinds of elements'

'Hehe...That's right, so different,' She looked at Wilson, watching them with an amused face, 'Especially this last one.' As he held a can of soda, he opened it and soda water sprayed on his face.

'Even after thinking that he was a threat,' Her attention was back to the book, smiling, 'They ended up being...my favorite monsters' She looked at a photo of them together.