The lady of time?

"I think I know exactly what just happened," said a tall, slender guy with long white hair.

The students immediately sat down closer to the mysterious guy.

"Should I explain everything over again?" he asked.

"Yes, yes!" the voices of boys and girls were heard from everywhere.

"Okay. So. In the beginning, David, the brown-haired guy, used his passive ability. He somehow influenced the thoughts of his rivals, and they bowed their heads down in pain. Taking advantage of the moment, Ksyu, David's teammate, touching him on the shoulder, changed his appearance to hers. And she herself turned into David. One might think at first that this is a transmigration of consciousness into a foreign body, but since we later saw two Reias, the situation is clear. Her ability is impersonation."

Everyone listened in silence and tried not to miss a single word.

"When Aram and Reia got up, they did not notice anything strange. David and Ksyu were running to them. For this battle, they chose defensive tactics. It was clear from the very first second of their stay in the arena. Before attacking Aram, Ksyu touched David's hand to "transform" him into Reia. And she herself, transformed into David, deliberately allowed herself to be quickly seized. Their goal was to trick Aram so he would defeat Reia."

"And why did she turn into David, and turned him into herself? It only made the process more complicated, didn't it?" one of the guys asked.

"Good question. I also asked myself at the very beginning. I think because impersonation is the active ability of Ksyu, and if something went wrong, it would be more difficult for her to fight Aram and Reia than for David. Although, we still have not figured out what kind of active superpower David has."

"I see," the students nodded.

"So that's it. The hardest part of the plan was getting Aram to believe that David was Reia. As you can see, he did it, and Aram chained the real Reia. I can assume that the real Reia is not very strong physically and she did not have experience in fighting, especially with a guy throwing chains. And she fell to the floor. David, taking advantage of the situation and the fact that Aram was standing with his back to him, hit him from behind and stood in a victorious stance."

"But what happened at the end? There remained only a fraction of a second. What kind of superpower does Reia have, that she got up from the floor at such speed and knocked David to the ground? Moreover, we did not see anything. If it were super speed, then she would have had time to dodge Aram's blows. Or, for example, if she reacted late and did not have time to dodge, then at least we would see how she knocked David to the floor."

"Yes. What happened may indicate several things. Option 1: Reia is skilled at creating hallucinations, and Aram didn't actually chain her. She hid somewhere and hit David from there. But this option is unlikely since in an open arena she could hardly hide somewhere."

"Could her ability be invisibility?" one of the girls asked. She had a long, dark braid and green, catlike, large eyes.

"That was the second option that I thought about. But here, too, the question arises: at what point did she become invisible? When was she thrown to the floor? And how did she then manage to get up in such a short period of time and knock David to the floor?"

"And what's the third option?" another student asked.

"Well, the third option is that she knows how to somehow control time."

"What? Time?" A heated discussion began among the students. "Is it possible? Time control is a very rare ability and not everyone can manage it. And if someone our age had such a superpower, he or she would have long ago been recruited into the Military Ministry, right under Oswald's wing. Nobody would have allowed her to study at our academy."

"I also agree with that." said the blond guy. "But I can't think of any other option either."

"I think we need to be careful with our assumptions and speculations," said the green-eyed student. "If the information about the alleged lady of time spreads, then not only this girl will have problems, but all of us."

"What problems can we have?" another girl asked.

"The least that awaits us is interrogations. The military will come to our academy and will question everyone, who has ever seen even the tip of her hair, for a long time and with suspicion."

"And her hair is not short, however," one of the students said.

"Yes. But they are not fools. And just by your words, no one will believe you. They will bring along people with the superpowers of a "lie detector" and learn everything not only about Reia but also about yourself. And in the end, they will take her away with them and delete all the memories of her from you and me."

"Don't scare them like that, Riza," said the long-haired guy. "It is not so bad."

Riza clearly disliked his remark.

"Do as you want, I won't say a word anymore. But remember my words for any occasion. In the world in which we now live, they will definitely be useful to you," she said and went to the other side of the arena.

"Do not be afraid, please. She's just very serious when it comes to someone's safety."

Alert smiled and walked briskly after Riza.

"Wait a minute. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Let me go!" she shouted, pushing Alert, and exhaustedly sank on the seat. "You don't understand, I don't want anyone else to suffer because of these beasts."

"Sorry. I understand. But by scaring everyone, we will not achieve anything. Try to be less emotional."

Riza raised her huge tired eyes and looked at Alert.

"Go to hell."