Second Class Event

Chapter 151: Second Class Event

After all the participants that participated for the class, Beast Summoner returned to their chairs. Aakesh's eyes then fell on the next group of participants.

This group of participants joined in the queue for the class Alchemist.

The class, Alchemist gave adventurers the knowledge to make pills of all the categories depending upon their level.

Fifty-six participants joined the event for the alchemy, the second highest after the 63 for the class Beast Summoner.

Aakesh pointed at the group to step forward, and the group of 56 participants stepped forward after nodding.

"The next event would be for the participants who wish to win the Alchemist class," Aakesh announced. All the other groups shook their heads disappointedly as their event was still far away.

"In the event, the participants would need to show their skills in pill making of the inferior grade."