Green Field

Chapter 160: Green Field

After finding nothing but a land filled with snow all around him, Pento decided to make a move.

He currently wasn't feeling the cold in the weather, but feeling the swift wind brushing his face, he knew the temperature was going to get colder, and even snowstorms may arrive, so there was no point in standing here.

Since he couldn't find any kind of dungeon around him, he randomly chose the north-eastern direction and proceeded.

As Pento expected, the wind was gaining momentum, and the weather was getting chillier. Pento increased his moving speed.

Due to the snow and wind, he couldn't see more than 50 meters away from him. He had been traveling for a few minutes, and he assumed that he had covered a distance of around 300 meters, but still no green dungeon was in his sight.

Around ten more minutes passed, Pento had covered the distance of more than 800 meters since he arrived in this world.