
Chapter 164: Massacre

After killing the group of humans, she proceeded forward in search of the leader of the group.

She didn't have to go far when she came across a shelter. Before she could decide anything, an arrow came her way. She easily deflected it using her sword and made her decision.

The next moment, she extended her hands, and fire out of nowhere emerged in her hands. It was one of the basic skills of fire element/Qi/Prana users. She got it as the reward in the eleventh green dungeon.

A few seconds later, the fire in her hand got bigger and reached her shoulders, but she still didn't throw it and let it get larger.

The humans in the settlement didn't wait for the fireball to come their way. Those who were archers shot arrows, those who used close combat weapons rushed at her, while one in the human settlement had a similar skill but in the opposite element.