(5) End

Chapter 183: End

Seeing Maria refusing even a supreme mine, no one dared to present their offer anymore.

Maria heaved a sigh of relief, seeing no offer coming her way. She then thanked Evelyn for showing a way to her.

Seeing that the fuss about bidding had died, Aakesh decided to present their reward to the winners.

Aakesh snapped his fingers, and the next moment, the virtual projections of the three territories appeared on the platform.

All three participants forgot everything at that time and only focused on their winning territories.

Robert will get the green territory, Maria yellow, and Eris will get the blue projection.

The next moment, the projections disappeared, and in place of them, three different colors responding to the territory, cards appeared. Each color card represented the rank of its respective territory.

The next moment, all three cards automatically flew into Aakesh's hands.