The Limit

Chapter 194: The Limit

As Aakesh waited for the customers, he wasn't aware of what was happening inside the weapons room.

Around a hundred customers had already come and left since there weren't enough virtual portals. The next group of fifty customers were already inside the store and were waiting for their turn.

While he was relaxing, a girl who had been waiting for her turn in the weapons room for the past hour came to him.

"Store owner," She called to him.

Aakesh expressionlessly glanced at her and asked for her purpose.

She then told about her interest in the Gods & Demons level training area for the king-grade weapons. Aakesh nodded and asked for 100 supreme Primal stones.

The girl nodded and handed him the required amount. Unlike Marie, she belonged to an affluent family that had several Immortals in their midst, so 100 supreme Primal stones weren't a big amount for her.