The War(1)

Chapter 206: The War(1)

"How can they do this?" One of the mothers in Bristol cried out after the announcement. Her child was only ten years old, and according to the announcement, anyone who could fight even a little bit needed to join the war.

"Why're you crying, mum?" The child asked while trying to wipe his mother's tears. He was only a child, so he had no idea what was going to happen.

There were scenes like this in the majority of the houses after the announcement. Since they had no choice but to follow the order, they started preparing while cursing the Townhead.

The Townhead house,

"Is the intel correct?" A man seated in a chair asked. His voice had a slight tremble as the information he heard a moment earlier could be the doom of the town.

"Ye...yes, Townhead," The intelligence officer replied, while his back was cold.