The Golden Key(End)

Chapter 269: The Golden Key(End)

Time flew by, and several more seconds passed.

Despite using the entire strength of her body, Elsie wasn't able to budge the golden key. Aakesh also didn't stop her due to no time limit.

Veins could be clearly seen across her body as even her clothes had begun to tear due to the tightness. Elsie didn't give up and still gave her all.

It was her chance to soar into the sky in a single step. She couldn't give it up due to not trying hard. If she did that, she would live in regret for her entire life, thinking about what if she had given her best, despite knowing that the story would've been the same. But even if there was a minimal chance of her succeeding in picking up the key, she wanted to take it.

Time flew by. Every second that Elsie failed to pick up the key felt like mental torture to her. At that moment, she wanted to give up right away, and at the same time, she wanted to give her all and pick up the key.