
Chapter 275: Skylord

Time flew by.

The six hours of the first group of customers in Panagea was over, so the system forced them out. There were still a few customers in 150, who had still a few minutes left since they had entered later than the card owners.

The system forced the customers out one by one as the six-hour stay for them got over. Aakesh only sent the second group to the portal room after all the members of the first group had exited Panagea.

While Aakesh was introducing the store products to a new customer in the building next to the store, a meeting was currently going on.

Since Maria had successfully completed the organization quest yesterday, she and the other members who had already joined the organization even before the creation didn't enter Panagea today. They instead decided to create a structure for the organization Skylord, and they also needed to recruit new members for it.