The Deal

Chapter 277: The Deal

Aakesh could see the events outside the store, but he only took a glance at it and stopped watching it.

Since there were only the last three hours left before the store would close for the day, the number of customers entering the store had decreased by several times.

He was relaxing on his chair when he suddenly felt teleportations inside the store. He looked up and found out that it was the group of Elves that had entered the store.

Now that Aakesh remembered, he hadn't seen the group of Elves in his store for the past few days. 

After appearing in the store, the group of Elves approached Aakesh.

"Hello, store owner," Lenna, Elasha, and Shalia greeted Aakesh while Ivanar expressionlessly stood in the group.

Aakesh nodded in response to the group's greeting. He then looked at them to find out the reason behind them coming here this late.