
Chapter 470: Reasons!

Due to the shaking of the net, Aakesh finally found himself in the direction he wanted to see.

The owner of the voice finally presented itself to Aakesh.

The creature was so towering that it was hundreds of thousands of miles away from where Aakesh was, yet Aakesh felt as if the creature was right in front of him.

A surprised expression appeared on Aakesh's face as he recognized the creature.

The creature in front of Aakesh was a spider, but it had 108 pairs of legs and a three colored carapace, purple being the bottom, blood-red being the mid, and black being the top.

There was a crown-like structure on top of the spider's head, and it was also three-colored, just like its carapace.

The spider legs were in the form of tree roots, and they were spread across the ground. Aakesh couldn't see their ends. He finally knew the source of the movement below his feet and the reason behind random barren patches in the area.