The Central Ruler(2)

Chapter 493: The Central Ruler(2)

Aakesh didn't have to think hard, and he got the answer to his question straight away. He decided to continue here till the end and then leave.

He then took a deep breath. His face returned to its usual expressionless as if Aakesh hadn't gotten a shocking piece of information.

Autumn heaved a sigh of relief, seeing Aakesh returning to his regular. Katrina felt curious as she wanted to know the reason behind Aakesh's reaction. Aakesh was healthy, which meant that 'He' had no hand in Aakesh's sudden actions, or Aakesh wouldn't have been able to stand here.

Even she couldn't survive if 'He' took action, let alone Aakesh, who was weaker than her.

"How did you survive?" Katrina asked, with curiosity laced in her voice.

Hearing the question, Autumn glared at Katrina, but Katrina ignored it and stared at Aakesh. It was the most pressing question in her mind, and she wanted to know the answer.