A New battle with New Opponent(1)

Chapter 687: A New battle with New Opponent(1)

The weapon was kind of a whip but thinner and broader than that. As Aakesh waved the cloth, a sound of it tearing through the air rang in the area.

It was the first for Aakesh to use the weapon since it was a new addition to his arsenal. It was the first time Aakesh had seen it on his weapon shelf, and hence he had selected it.

Aakesh then returned his focus to the blue screen still floating in front of him. He didn't even have to think to make a decision. He tapped on the screen, and the next moment, the blue screen vanished while a blue light spread across the battle arena.

When the light disappeared, Aakesh sighted his opponent for the day.

Aakesh then took a look at his weapon and then the opponent. He couldn't know what to say the next moment. It was as if the system was mocking him.

The creature in front of him was Armadoran. It was a creature exclusive to the Sacred dimension.