(5) Similar!

Chapter 998: Similar!

"The Shadow Hunter will always be loyal to me, but what if the Hunters force me to break the contract?" Fidel asked.

"The Cosmos Contract Beast is in charge of the contract, so it can't be broken by force," Aakesh said, which surprised Fidel.

Fidel exhaled a sigh of relief. Even the outsiders were bound by contracts overseen by the Cosmos Contract Beast. Only the signer, acting of their own free will, could renege on the agreement. Others would be considered to be harming the trade if they made forceful attempts, and the overseer would punish them.

Since things were like this, Fidel didn't need to worry about the Hunters anymore.

Fidel thanked and praised Aakesh, saying, "You do things best."

"Since I don't need to worry about the Hunters anymore, initiate the taming battle," Fidel requested.