A New Customer!

Chapter 1099: A New Customer!

"You don't want to check the store's products?" Aakesh asked, seeing Katrina and Autumn showing no interest whatsoever in learning about the store.

"You even want to earn money from us?" Katrina sneered.

Aakesh stopped asking since that was his purpose in the first place. No matter what kind of relationship he had with them, he couldn't allow them to use the store's products for free; only his pets had that distinction.

Katrina couldn't help but smile upon seeing Aakesh getting silenced. Autumn didn't chime in as she was waiting for Lily to exit Panagea.

Since there were no new customers approaching him, Aakesh closed his eyes and began another relaxation session.

Katrina and Autumn had also been traveling straight for days, so they also closed their eyes and immediately fell asleep.


Tap! Tap! Tap!