The Palace(End)

Chapter 1127: The Palace(End)

In the middle of the flower ocean, there was a beautiful one-hundred-and-eight-petal flower. Each petal of the flower was a different color, while the middle portion was dark golden.

Aakesh stepped forward and approached the flower. He minded his steps and didn't step on any of the flowers.

It didn't take long for Aakesh to reach there. He bent down and touched the dark-golden portion. He got soft and squishy feedback from the touch.

Aakesh raised his eyes in surprise since the flower was mature. It was Handolia, an extinct flower used in a potent physique potion.

At birth, the dark-golden portion would be hard and rough, but as it matured, it would grow soft and reach the state that Aakesh felt from the flower.

The physique potion was for Primordials, so if Aakesh took it out, it might even cause a dimensional war for it.

"It said it doesn't like what you are thinking about it!"