Huo Jinglin(13)

Chapter 1470: Huo Jinglin(13)

Aakesh didn't disturb Huo Jinglin since there were no customers behind him, and he was free to take all the time he needed.

"Store owner, what product do you suggest I should choose first of the training area, skills, and beasts," Huo Jinglin respectfully asked. Since there was someone whom even his father respected, Huo Jinglin decided to take his opinion before making a decision.

"You should go for the beast first, then the training area, and then skills," Aakesh expressionlessly answered.

Beast had no relation to the training area or skills in the short term, so it was better to be the first choice of the three. As for why to go to the training area first and then go for the skills, it had to do with the fact that in the training area, cultivators could see their weaknesses and then purchase skills according to those weaknesses.