2.3 Traitor?

She halted and looked around. She then stepped back towards the tent that was at her right. Going closer to the tent, she concentrated on the conversation.  There were two voices of men. She recognized one voice clearly.


"You can't," Zorion said. His voice seemed stern and tense.

"You are breaking your promise with the Queen." The second, unknown voice said.

'Who's this queen they are talking about? Is it the queen of the South?' Cressida thought.

"She knew it very well, she can't control me," Zorion said.

The voice was then replaced by the footsteps.

'Was he leaving? But who?'

"You were assigned to-" The voice of the man then subdued.

Cressida thought to peek in. Her curiosity was at the bay. She wanted to know what Zorion was up to and with whom he was talking. What was he assigned for? There were many questions running through her mind. She waited in hope of hearing some more. But nothing contacted her ears. She wanted to know, with whom Zorion was talking and what were they talking about. What promise did Zorion do? Her curiosity increases the more she waited. On not hearing any more words, she came to the entrance of the tent and pushed the curtain aside.

Zorion's back was facing her. Her eyes widen at the scene. Sensing her behind him, Zorion turned around. The man was raised from his feet as Zorion held him by his neck. The moment his eyes sighted Cressida, Zorion dropped the man down on the ground. The man coughed, massaging his neck. He then crawled back from Zorion.

Glancing at Cressida then at Zorion, the man tried to stand on his feet. He then moved to the corner of the tent.

"What is all this?" Cressida asked Zorion. Their eyes didn't move from one another.

"None of your business." Zorion said to Cressida. He then faced the man, who stood at the end of the tent to escape.

"The prince will die." The man said. He then lifted the corner of the tent and ran out of it.

"Who are you? Cressida asked, stepping towards Zorion.

"As I said, it's none of your concern," Zorion said.

They both looked at each other for a moment. Zorion then took a step towards Cressida. He decided to leave as she didn't ask any further questions. The door of the tent was behind Cressida. As he walked past Cressida, she took out her dagger. With a swift moment, she turned to the side, took out her dagger, and aimed at Zorion. Zorion took out his pipe and held it against her attack. Her dagger hit on his pipe while he held the pipe beside his head. Her hand shook by the sudden impact. Her dagger was strong enough to break any mere smoking pipe. But this gave her a reverse impact.

She gazed at the pipe, the black shiny color of it clicked in her mind. She lowered the dagger with the force to break through the pipe but her efforts went in vain. Not a single scratch was caused on the pipe. Zorion looked at her by the side of his eyes. Both of them were having one thing in their minds. Raising the dagger, she inched back.

"Is that Obsidian.." Before she could complete her sentence, a smile tugged on the side of Zorion's lips.

Lowering the pipe, he turned to face her. "Seems like my brother taught you well, I am surprised." He said with a smirk on his face.

Taking an attentive straight position, Cressida looked Zorion in his eyes. Except for the eyes, he's nothing like Lycaon, she thought.

"Were you the one who was assigned to kill Lycaon?" She asked.

She knew there were people assigned to kill Lycaon. She didn't want to suspect him. But all the things were pointing at him, making him suspicious. Now that if you think, any normal person won't be able to kill Lycaon. And Zorion is the only one whom Lycaon never defeated. But why would Zorion wait till now without killing him? He was there with him all the time since he was a kid. 'No, I don't think it's him...'

"Yes," Zorion said, leaving Cressida in astonishment. Her mouth gaped on hearing that one word from him.

Gritting her teeth and fisting her hand firmly on the dagger, she forwarded at Zorion. Within a blink of an eye, Zorion disappeared from her front. A heavy wind caused in the tend. She halted her raised dagger in the middle of the air. With the next blink, he was exactly behind her. He wrapped his one hand around her waist from behind. With the other, he held her hand holding the dagger. Pulling her back, he leaned forward to her earlobe. Cold air creased her ear as he spoke.

"If you can, try to save him." He said in a low and husky voice.

She gulped, her hand with the dagger began to turn numb by his cold touch. She could feel his icy hand against her stomach too. She averted her eyes to his hand holding her hand and then her eyes turned back to his hand on her stomach. By the look, his hands seem normal. There was no change of color or anything with his hands. But the coldness almost froze her two body parts. She twisted her form to free herself from his grip. Without any effort, he let go of her and stepped back. Turning around, she passed the dagger to her other hand and aimed at him again. With a smile on his face, he stepped back. The smoke formed around his feet. The smoke then raised above, from his feet to his knees and waist. Putting the pipe in his mouth, he took out a matchbox. Igniting the pipe, he inhaled from it. Cressida looked at him closely. He exhaled the smoke, while the smoke from the bottom reached his shoulder. Slowly, he began to vanish from bottom to top. Narrowing her eyes, Cressida rushed towards him but was too late. He disappeared before she could hit him or touch him.

She wandered her eyes, standing in between the smoke. Zorion was nowhere in the tent. Swiftly, she made her way out of the tent and looked around it. Neither Zorion nor the other man was to be found.

'Lycaon...' She thought and turned around. Instead of finding them now, the priority for her was to warn Lycaon. Hastening her way towards the tent, she kept looking around for Zorion and the man. On reaching the tent, she suddenly halted at the entrance. The moment with Lycaon flashed in her mind. She didn't want to face him.

'I can't let him die in this battle.' She thought.

Once this battle ends, she decided to leave. Taking her kingdom back, she'll leave Lycaon and West. Until then, she needs to keep him alive. After that, she doesn't care even if he dies. Moving aside the curtain, she went inside. The tent was empty. Lycaon was not in the tent. Cursing under her breath, she came out of the tent. Looking around, she noticed the soldiers were very few. Most of the soldiers left.

'Has the war started?' She thought.

The soldiers that were sitting were the ones with major injuries. She remembered the one whose leg was being cut. Cressida made her way towards the soldier, his dress was covered under blood and dirt. Looking at him reminds her of the last view of her brother. She could never forget that day. Though she took the revenge and killed her enemy with her own hands, there was no contentment in her heart. All she feels was the same emptiness. If Lycaon died today, she would again blame herself for being a jinx. Wherever she goes, tragedy follows her. She decided, if Lycaon dies today, she will no longer pursue her kingdom. She didn't want her people to meet with another tragedy. She will take the kingdom back and hand it over to Asterin. She's the only one who Cressida can trust for her people.

"Milady..." The voice of the soldier distracted her thoughts. She didn't realize she was standing in front of them while thinking.

Meeting the gaze of the soldiers, who were already starting at her idle form, she asked. "Where's everyone?"

"War is going to start. Everyone went at the front line." One the soldier said.

"Are you alright? We have been calling you." The other one showed his concern.

Without replying to them she turned around and made her way to the front lines. She has to find and meet Lycaon. Once war restarts, she won't get any chance to warn him against Zorion. Hastening at the front lines, she began to run. During her run, she took Onyx and climbed on it. Hitting the reins, she speeds up Onyx.

"C'mon boy, we only have one chance." She said.

Getting closer, she could see people gathering at the front line. She wandered her eyes around in search of Lycaon. Instead of Lycaon, she encountered another person beside her. Bringing his horse closer to Cressida, Zorion shifted his gaze at Cressida.
