2.85 Attacks

Shaking his head, the old man walked inside and opened a casket came of wood and branches. He then took out a wrapped leaf. Taking the leaf, he returned towards Lycaon.

Lycaon was looking at the old man. Gazing at his hands, what was he bringing. The old man halted in front of him and displayed him the wrapped leaves. Taking the leaves, he looked at the old man with a question face.

"Look inside it?" The old man said.

"What's inside it?" Lycaon aksed while unwrapping the leaves. When his eyes saw what was in it, it made him stunned. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. There were pieces of clothes and papers with a portrait made of his mother on them.

Gazing at each of them one after another, Lycaon was flipping the papers.

"How?" He stopped before completing the sentence.

"How do you have it?" He then asked.

"Didn't I told you, I knew your mother." The old man said.