Investigation 1.2

"So tell me what all you got"

"Leah take a look at here, I got this when I researched the history of our city. this says that in the 1800s the same thing like this happened"

"Like what?"

"Look, I will explain

There was a person in the 1800s named Benjamin and he had an act of great revenge with this city. The reason behind the revenge is his mother and father were killed by the government in glen tor saying that they both murdered a family, but that was a lie"

"But Julie why would the government lie?"

"Because that crime was actually done by government, I mean the mayor and some other persons and they had put the case in the head of Benjamin's mom and dad. But the police officers were so sure that they haven't done this so they decided to leave his mom and dad and restart the case, but all this was under the control of the mayor so he asked the police officers to stop the case and appealed for punishment I mean killing them"

"Oh, so cruel. Then?"

"So Benjamin decided to kill the whole people instead"

"OMG this so ----, so Julie how will this story connects to our stranger?"

"Maybe the stranger is a descendant of that Benjamin"

"Yeah, maybe"

"We have a lot more to unlock Leah I mean a lot more"