
Benjamin walked straight to Dr. Johnson who was holding Tom.

"OMG! I haven't known you were here Johnson... you already know what will happen to those who gets in my way"

"You are doing things which are really bad. The government done wrong to you and your family, why're you hurting these poor people?" Johnson asked

"They tried to stop me" Benjamin said and took a gun from his pocket.

"You're gonna hurt me too? no problem... but leave these people alone."

"Nobody is gonna be in this glen tor. Glen tor is gonna be a haunted city" Benjamin said and pointed the gun towards Johnson.

"Rest in peace" he said and shot.

By Johnson's really long jump, he escaped from the gun shot but

"Leah!" Julie screamed and ran towards Leah who was lying there because of the gun shot. Yes Leah got it.

"Am okay, you guys run. escape from here" Leah said trying to hold the wound.

"No i can't, let's go leah. stand up" julie cried and her words was not clear.

"What you've done is really bad benjamin." Julie screamed to benjamin.

"Oh, yeah? so do you!" benjamin replied

At this time johnson hit benjamin hardly on his shoulder.

"Urghhhhhh" first benjamin screamed but then he laughed and ran towards johnson and hit him sharply on the nose and stomach, made Johnson faint.

Kicking johnson's leg, benjamin said" This is what---

Before he could complete julie kicked benjamin.

"YOU BUFFALLO GO TO HELL" julie screamed.

again benjamin laughed even if he was bleeding.

"julie!!!" Leah screamed...