Chapter 121: Chaos at the Interview

Chapter 121

"What the—?"

"He really is here!"


"Holy shit!—"

Shocked exclamations rang out, before a tremendous cheer arose from the crowd gathered behind.

"Witches and Wizards, Axel Hunt is here! I repeat, Axel Hunt is here!"

"I can't believe it! Despite all odds, Axel Hunt has actually walked into the Meeting Ceremony! Does this mean that he is back?! We're going to find out now!"

"Everyone, it seems that Axel Hunt's participation is confirmed!"

"Breaking News! Is this the return of the Unseen Prodigy?!"

Amidst the exclamation and celebration of the crowd, the reporters began announcing the shocking news of Axel's return, and numerous questions were suddenly thrown at him.

"Axel, are you really going to be playing the match?"

"Mr. Hunt, you're here! Does this mean that you're back to playing Quidditch?!"

"Axel! You announced your retirement not long ago. Can we assume that those words were just a farce?"

"Mr. Axel, is your participation in the next match confirmed or is this just a way to get more traction for the event?"

All types of Questions were being asked from Axel. Meanwhile, the rest of the participants were completely ignored. Everyone could see it. The moment Axel walked in, the meeting ceremony had become a one man show.

And it wasn't a surprise. Axel Hunt is currently the most popular person in the whole Wizarding world, and anything related to him has a very high chance of going viral.

And right now, it's the first, and probably the last time they actually have him at a meeting ceremony. Right now, they have a chance to actually interview the all-reclusive Axel Hunt. The implications ran far deeper than what they appear.

Until now, Axel has been agonizingly quiet about himself. The Whole world is hungry for any drop of news related to him. And at this moment, he is at the meeting ceremony, meaning they can actually ask him any question they want.

This was definitely a once in a lifetime scoop. No matter what, everyone was thrilled to see him there.

Well, 'almost' everyone.

"What the HELL is he doing?!"

Standing in the middle of the crowd that was going bonkers over Axel's participation, Daphne glared at the guy who had casually walked into the stage with his hands in his pockets. His whole vibe was just…completely different.

The rest of the participants looked like they were honored to be there. Their faces indicated they knew how big a deal it was to be able to participate in such an event. Axel on the other hand… he still had the same bored expression on his face as he came to take his seat beside Dumbledore at the table. 'Feel honored to be in my presence instead.' That's what his casual look seemed to say.

"Why?!" Muttered Daphne, her nails digging into her palms. She couldn't understand why the guy would risk coming back for this match. Right now, the Mahoutokoro team was out for his blood. And what does he do? He participates in the match against their team that is set in the most Quidditch Format, all but giving them a perfect opportunity to freely take revenge. She could already see the Captain of the Mahoutokoro team giving Axel a death stare.

"What was he thinking?!" Daphne sighed, recalling her encounter with him yesterday.

She had been on her way to attend her next class, trying not to think about Axel Hunt, when, out of nowhere, she was suddenly dragged into a broom closet. Her instinct had kicked in as she was about to launch a kick into her assailant's balls while drawing her wand.


"It's me."

The low voice made her freeze completely. There was no way she couldn't recognise it.

The tip of a wand lit up the dark room, and she found herself face to face with the guy who was the centre of discussion everywhere, Axel Hunt.

"What do you want?!" She demanded, drawing her wand as she backed up against the door. She was suddenly feeling incomprehensibly flustered.

"What I want?" Axel stepped closer, ignoring her wand. "I want a lot of things. But right now, I'm just here to invite you," he said, looking into her eyes.

'In-Invite me?! W-Where?!"

asked Daphne as she brandished her wand, causing it to poking right into Axel's gut.

'Right where he has those abs...' Daphne's thoughts weren't helping her at all.

Axel shrugged. "Meeting Ceremony. Don't miss it," he spoke, his face uncommonly close to hers.

"Wa-Wa-Wait, the meeting ceremony? Why do I need to go? Hey!"

Daphne tried to get more information, but Axel was already gone, leaving her in the dark room with her heart racing.


So of course, after that incident, she couldn't really miss this event, could she? After all, it was all she could think about since their meeting.

She wondered why he'd invite her to the event. And she'd hoped it didn't mean what she thought it meant. But, what she had feared did end up happening. Hunt... he was Indeed participating in this match.

"What the fuck are you thinking?" She murmured, looking at the guy who was currently being asked hundreds of questions by the reporters.


Axel's eyes met Daphne's, who was currently glaring at him, and a small smile surfaced his face.

'You're here,' he thought. That means he can now get on with it.

"Axel, please answer!"

"Axel, the whole Wizarding World wants to know! Are you back?!"

"Mr. Hunt—"



Axel raised his hand, and as if he had cast a spell, the wild and rowdy crowd actually did go silent.

In the ensuing silence, Axel slowly leaned forward to speak into the mic.

"Well..." he said, looking at everyone nonchalantly. "I'll be playing the next match."


That's all he said, before the crowd burst into a thunderous cheer.

"Breaking News! Axel Hunt just confirmed his return, I repeat, Axel Hunt had just confirmed his return!"

"Everyone, He has returned! Axel Hunt will be playing the next match!"

"I cannot believe it! We will see the prodigy playing once again!"

"Everyone, please calm down." Dumbledore spoke up at this moment, causing the noise to lessen. "Please ask the question in the designated order of the participants' arrival. And only ask one question at a time."

There was a designated order in which the reporters were supposed to ask questions. They were supposed to individually question each participant, so that no one is left out.

According to the order, the person they were supposed to ask the questions first was Azuma Takeshi, the captain of the Mahoutokoro team and, Axel was supposed to be the last. But after Axel's arrival, all that had gone to shit. But now that Axel's participation had been confirmed, they were willing to wait and save Axel for last.

"Mr. Takeshi, what are your thoughts on Axel's participation in the next match?" Asked one of the reporters to Azuma Takeshi, who was sitting at the Mahoutokoro table with his arms folded.

"That low-life? I just hope he doesn't go back on his word," said Takeshi, looking at Axel with a vicious smirk on his face.

"Are you not intimidated by his skills and talent?"

Takeshi looked surprised. "Of course not. His skills can only take him so far. In the unrestricted format, We're going to destroy him."

"Mr. Takeshi, is it true that you have a grudge against Axel due to his involvement with Akiko Matsushima?"

Takeshi's face hardened. "No, it's not really a grudge, it's more of a conflict. Given his reputation, it is clear that Axel Hunt is a scum who tries to go after girls with powerful backgrounds. This, it's not acceptable for such a person to associate with our best student. I've tried warning him straightforwardly but it did not work. So, I've decided to solve this with Quidditch," he said as he looked at Axel.

"Axel Hunt, I challenge you. If we win the next game, you will no longer attempt to have any contact with Akiko Matsushima," he said, causing a commotion in the crowd.

"Accept it!" Someone yelled.


"""Accept it!"""

""""Accept it!""""

"""""Accept it!""""

The cameras all turned to Axel, to capture his reaction, but Axel only sat in his seat, not even sparing a glance to Takeshi. He looked bored.

The reporters asked Takeshi a few more questions before it was Endo Yuji's turn.

"Mr Yuji, as the seeker of Mahoutokoro, you're going to be facing Axel Hunt, the so-called best seeker in normal format. Do you feel pressured?"

Yuji smiled his charming smile. "Not at all. I'll acknowledge that Axel is skilled at normal Quidditch. But, we're allowed to use magic. And that, changes everything," he said, as a gust of wind blew across the hall with a seal of his hands.




The Mahoutokoro students cheered for Endo who waved his hand at them in acknowledgment.

"Endo, the word out there is that you're very fast. How would you compare yourself with Axel?"

Endo laughed. "You'll see on the day of the match." Endo appeared quite composed as he answered every question professionally in the incoming minute. Until...

"Mr. Endo. You had not been shy about your crush on Martina Valentino. What would you say to her recent engagement with your opponent?"

The smile on Endo Yuji's face vanished. This had actually hit a nerve. Yuji's eyes strayed towards the beautiful Martina Valentino, and found her looking at Axel even now.

"Well, I don't think he deserves her." That's all Yuji said.

Next was Patricia's turn.

"Miss Afonso, how do you feel about the return of your star player?"

Patricia smiled. "Of course I'm thrilled to have Axel back, but please do not misunderstand. He's only back for one match," she said, surprising everyone.

"Miss Afonso, as the captain of team Hogwarts, how are your preparations for the match?"

Patricia smiled. "We're giving it our all. It's been a great learning opportunity."

"But Patricia, is it true that Axel Hunt never trains with the rest of the team?"

Patricia cast a faux annoyed look at Axel. "Axel? He has always done his own thing. This person only calls me Captain to mock me," she said, playfully slapping Axel's shoulder.

"Miss Afonso, you and Axel are quite close, as evidenced by your big speech in his defense in the previous match. Is there a romantic relationship between you two?"

Patricia paused at that one. Even though Axel sat casually beside her, she could feel her body tense up in warning. She knew that she couldn't play around on this, so she just smiled. "pH, I wish. Too bad he's already engaged," she said, looking at Axel with a pout. "I'd say Martina is one lucky girl," she commented, making the crowd to hollar.

"Patricia, since Mahoutokoro's magic is more oriented towards magic, they have the advantage. Knowing that, how confident are you about this match?"

Patricia looked at Axel. "I trust my teammates. And I believe we will win," she said, causing the Hogwarts students to burst into cheers.

After a few more questions, it was finally Axel's turn. Something everyone had been waiting for.

"Mr. Hunt, is it true that you've only returned for one match?"

"Axel, what made you change your mind about your withdrawal?"

"Axel, you didn't used to like giving interviews, so why are you here now?"

"Axel —"

"Mr. Hunt —"

On Axel's turn, the reporters once again forgot all the rules and began bombarding him with questions.

Axel looked at the huge crowd, and the hundreds of cameras currently pointed at him with an apathetically relaxed expression. You could never tell from his casual demeanor that the whole Wizarding world was currently watching him. Raising his hand, he once again silenced the crowd.

"One question at a time," he spoke.

Dumbledore nodded at that. "Mr Hunt is right. Please follow the order in asking questions. Mr. Hunt is not going to disappear," he said mirthfully.

Axel answered the very first question he was asked.

"First of all, I haven't 'returned' or anything. I'm only playing the next match due to personal reasons," he spoke, causing disappointed murmurs to spread across the hall.

"And what are these personal reasons? Would you please share with us? The Wizarding world would like to know." Someone asked.

Axel looked at the reporter in a deadpan. "No I won't. Those reasons are called personal for a reason, you moron," he replied, causing laughter to erupt in the hall. Everyone was once again reminded: Savage Hunt doesn't forgive wrong questions.

"Axel, you're known to be quite a private person. You've never opened up to the reporters before. Then why did you agree to attend this interview?" Someone asked, causing the noise to subside.

Axel leaned forward to answer this one. "Due to my silence, the world has invented false information about me according to its own convenience. I've never really cared about what others say about me, but now it's causing me trouble."

"Mr. Hunt, what are your thoughts about the challenge that was just issued by the captain of the Mahoutokoro team?"

"Well, I'm not accepting it," said Axel simply.

"But why is that, Mr. Hunt? According to public knowledge, you're not intimidated to receive a challenge even from someone like the Heir to the Mikhailov family. Then why are you denying now?"

Axel rolled his eyes as he pointed one finger at Takeshi. "Because, this guy has nothing I would want in return. It's useless even if I win. He's simply not worth my attention."



Even the audience felt that burn. Takeshi's face turned red from anger. As a direct descendant of the Great Takeshi clan and wielder of Lightning Affinity, he has never suffered such humiliation before.

"And Mr. Hunt, what would you say to Endo Yuji's claim that you do not deserve to be engaged to Martina?"

Axel shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't know. After all… I was never engaged to her in the first place," he said, causing the start of the chaos.


Next: Pà