The Plan

"And...done!" Newton had finished sketching out the blueprint for the plasma cannon.

Now, it was time to build it.

Using the remaining scrap metal, and a few other materials, they constructed the cannon with relative ease.

"That solves that. Now...should we train before anything else?" said Austin.

"Sure. I mean, it only seems fair," said Aaron.

"Thankfully, I have a plasma katana, so we can train together before the actual battle begins," Austin explained, drawing his katana.

"Nice. Let's train before the real battle begins," said Aaron, drawing his sword.

Aaron stood about 10 feet from Austin, pointing his sword at him, and shouting something heroic.

"COME ON, THEN!" Aaron pointed to Austin, with a grin of resilience.

"Let's see how long you can hold up. First to 3 hits wins," said Austin, spinning his blade.

Then, the mini-duel began. Aaron charged at Austin, blade just above his right shoulder.

Austin simply wall-jumped, appearing behind Aaron.

"Wha-" Aaron questioned. Too late.

"Tsk, tsk." Austin stabbed Aaron using his katana. Strangely enough, it didn't hurt or bleed.

"That's one for Austin!" Austin shouted.

Aaron would boost upward using his basic plasma manipulation, landing himself into a small roll behind Austin.

"Phil Mickelson!" Aaron would shout, throwing his sword at Austin. Direct hit. No harm or bleeding.

"That's 1:1!" said Andrew, pointing to Aaron.

"What!?" Newton almost burst into laughter, but kept it in. "Why did he say Phil Mickelson!?"

"I have no clue in the least bit as to why, it's so random!" said Andrew.

"Why'd you say Phil Mickelson, of all things?" said Austin, readying up again.

"It's just something that I say when I throw stuff. And I'm not the only one who does," Aaron said, picking up his blade and readying up.

"I see," Austin said, before charging towards Aaron in an offensive formation.

Aaron would hold out his blade in front of him, then deflecting the strike from Austin's katana.

Austin was too strong, and he ended up tossing Aaron's blade up into the air.

Austin then stabbed him. No pain, or bleeding. "Kid, this is the big leagues. You oughta get good, or you'll die."

"That's two for Austin! 2 to 1!" said Andrew.

Aaron would roll to the side, dodging a strike from Austin. The darkest of souls know what strategies to use, and Aaron's soul is pure.

Austin slashed to his side where Aaron was, but Aaron simply dodged, stabbing Austin in the back.

"That's two for Aaron! Oooh, it's even stevens! 2 to 2! Who's gonna make it!?" exclaimed Andrew.

Austin leaps upward, sword over head, ready to strike.

Aaron dashed out of the way, and after Austin collided with the ground, Aaron stabbed Austin in the neck, dealing the final blow. No real wounds or bleeding. But, this was just practice…

...for when the real game begins.

"That's 3 for Aaron, and he takes the win!" said Andrew, silently cheering.

Austin just nodded at Aaron.

"Did I do well?" said Aaron, pulling away his blade.

"Yes. Yes you did," said Austin, proudly, putting away his katana.

"Nice!" said Aaron, feeling good and proud.

"However, this is just practice for when the real game begins," Austin declared.

"Yeah...the battle against Charles is gonna be a real tough one...believe me, we've tried to fight him. I'm sure you remember how that went, right?" Andrew said, thinking back.

"Oh, yeah…" said Aaron, gazing out into space and thinking deeply about the past. Their past, when Charles was still a good friend of's all over now.

"What do you say we follow through with the plan, now?" said Newton.

"The part where we launch ourselves to the temple using the p?" Andrew asked.

"Yes! Who wants to go first in the cannon?" said Newton, patting the cannon.

"Me! I'll do it." said Aaron.

"Alright, hop in." said Newton.

Once Aaron had gotten into the cannon, Newton lit the rope using Austin's help.

After a short amount of time, it detonated and made a loud BOOM, sending Aaron high up into the air, and past the atmosphere.

"LETS GOOOOOOOO!" shouted Aaron, disappearing into the clouds.

"Off he goes. Reckon we oughta do the same?" said Andrew, depositing himself into the cannon.

"Bloody oath, Andrew," said Austin, lighting the fuse to the cannon once more.

Shortly after, it detonated, launching Andrew up and away into the sky.

"BANANAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" shouted Andrew, performing some tricks as he disappeared into the clouds like Aaron.

"Right, same with you Newton?" said Austin, patting the cannon.

"Yeah!" said Newton, locking himself into position in the cannon.

Austin lit the fuse, and off he went.

"IDIOOOOOTS! YOU NEVER THOUGHT I COULD FLY? WELL SHAME ON-" Before Newton could finish, he got caught up in the clouds.

Austin then got into the cannon and lit the fuse, and as you may expect, it sent him into the clouds.

"TYING OUR SHOOOOES!" Austin shouted, disappearing into the great beyond.

Location: Space. Time: unknown.

The Crusaders have just landed on the outskirts of the temple, and are ready to move in.

"Okay, does everybody have their positions ready?" said Newton, readying his staff and grasping onto Andrew, ready to boost up to the roof.

"Right. Ready to materialize," said Austin, readying up.

Andrew pulled out his rocket launcher, loading rocket bananas into it. "Stay back, I'm boosting."

Newton held on to Andrew, while Aaron and Austin took a step back. Andrew pointed to the ground, jumped up, then fired a rocket at the ground, exploding and propelling him upwards and onto the roof of the temple.

"From henceforth, I shall follow you all on the roof and plant explosives," said Andrew, putting away his rocket launcher. 'And if anything happens, I'll be there ready to cause a bang!

"Thanks, Andrew. We wish you the best of luck," said Aaron. "Ready to go, Austin?"

"Yes, I am. Let's go," said Austin, holding his chest.

And their raid had begun. Appropriately titled...The Raid of Revenge.