Chapter no.76 Why Isn't The Dungeon Closing?!

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Burnt liver—that was the smell that seemingly permeated the air, the smell of burning flesh. It was a scent Naruto now knew all too well, and it twisted his stomach into knots. Ever since he had cauterized Hinata's palms, a heavy, gnawing guilt had settled in his chest, a physical weight that seemed to press down on him, making it hard to breathe.

Did I have to do that?

Did I have to hurt my friend?

'No, I didn't hurt her. She... wanted this,' he tried to convince himself, but the reassurance rang hollow.

So, what if she wanted to jump off a cliff? Would you help her?

The uglier part of his mind taunted him, making his heart sink even deeper. He could have insisted Hinata stay back, could have demanded she not involve herself so directly in the danger they faced. But he didn't want to make her feel like she was a burden.

Was this party a mistake?

The thought haunted him, echoing in his mind with a persistence that was maddening. Naruto tried to shake his head clear of these thoughts, but they clung to him stubbornly.

Hinata's tears, the acrid smell of burnt flesh, and the crushing weight of guilt—he couldn't escape them. They filled his senses, replaying over and over like a loop he couldn't break. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her pained expression, heard the sizzle of flesh, felt the heat from the flames.

As he walked, his steps were heavy, his shoulders slumped under the burden of his decisions.

The stench in the sewers was overpowering, a pungent assault on the senses that Naruto could hardly ignore. He pinched his nose as he led the way through the dank, murky tunnels beneath the fortress. "I hate this," he muttered, the complaint directed more for Tenten and Hinata's benefit than a true expression of his feelings. In reality, navigating the foul-smelling sewers was almost a relief; it kept his mind occupied, preventing him from dwelling too much on his guilt.

Since they couldn't enter the second building due to the barrier, Tenten had suggested they move through the sewers.

"Tenten, I hate you," Naruto said, walking diagonally along the sewer wall to avoid the worst of the muck.

"Hey, at least they haven't been used for a few weeks," Tenten replied, looking around. The sewers were narrow, with grimy walls and murky water flowing sluggishly beneath them. The air was thick with the stench of decay and stale water, and faint echoes of dripping water made the place feel even more claustrophobic.

Hinata's voice was tense. "You're lucky," she said, clearly uncomfortable.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tenten asked, glancing back.

Hinata and Naruto shared a creepy smile, knowing that if this sewer were functioning, Tenten would be thrown into it for suggesting this route.

"I think this is it," Hinata said, spotting a narrow pipe going up.

"Let's destroy it," the trio said in unison, not wanting to crawl through it.

Naruto changed his umbrella into a naginata, activated the wind hex, and began cutting.

A few seconds later, they found themselves in a communal toilet room with wooden benches featuring holes for seating. Below the benches, a water channel was supposed to run, and the central basin held murky water. The smell was slightly better, but not by much.

Naruto stifled a laugh as he noticed a particular toilet with a lot of dried-up blood. "What's so funny?" Hinata asked, curious.

Naruto smirked and pointed. "Oh, Tenten, I think you need to see a doctor."

Hinata covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing, but her eyes sparkled with amusement. Tenten, however, didn't find the joke amusing. She pulled out a spoon, her face serious.

"You know what I can do to you with this spoon, orange man?" she threatened.

Naruto quickly hid behind Hinata. "Hinata, save me and my ass from this violent woman!"

The trio's humor was abruptly cut off as they heard something hit the door hard. All three stiffened, the lighthearted moment replaced with sudden tension.

The trio immediately jumped onto the ceiling as a deafening crack echoed through the room.

A hole was torn into the wall, and the door creaked open.

Something dropped dead onto the floor.

The creature that had fallen was a grotesque parody of a human, with a head too large for a neck that wasn't there and a face that seemed to have given up halfway through being formed.

A gaping hole was in its chest.

Like any monster, it disappeared after a few seconds, leaving the trio to focus on the assailant.

She was a woman with wolf-like features, including pointed ears covered by a blue headband. Her long, tousled hair framed a face partially obscured by a metal mask covering her nose and mouth, leaving her intense eyes visible. She wore a blue garment covered in blood.

[ Name: Florence Nightingale ]

[ Level: 8 ]

[ Title: Neutral NPC ]


[ System Chat ]

- [ Naruto: Yatta, we found her! ]

- [ Tenten: Who? ]

- [ Naruto: Oscar's lover. ]

- [ Hinata: The dog? ]

- [ Naruto: Florence, that's what Oscar said her name was plus she has an NPC title. ]

Florence's nose flared as she spotted the trio clinging to the ceiling.

With a swift motion, she lunged forward, her spear poised to strike.

A puff of smoke erupted as her spear impaled a log.

"Florence, my dear," Oscar's voice came from behind her, causing her to freeze in place.

She turned, and upon seeing him, visibly relaxed.

"You can trust them," Oscar assured her as the genjutsu dissolved, revealing the trio standing unharmed. Naruto let out a sigh of relief, the tension draining from his shoulders.

Tenten watched Florence cautiously, giving her a side-eye.

"Are you seeing this, Hinata? A humanoid dog?"

"We've seen worse," Hinata replied calmly.

Tenten opened her mouth and then closed it.

"Yeah, but do you think like Oscar and the dog?"

Tenten wiggled her eyebrows as Hinata ignored whatever her friend was implying.

"Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?" Naruto tested Florence's trust as she gave him a blank look.

"I think this dog might be retarded," Naruto said.

"Just grab her and take her to Oscar," Tenten suggested as Hinata was scouting the rest of the building.

"Six cultists and some kind of giant humanoid like the Iron Shakespeare."

Naruto nodded, creating shadow clones to escort Florence to Oscar.

The clones picked the dog girl up and jumped into the sewer.

"Okay, let's just finish this dungeon and go back home."


The second building of the fortress, its giant hall marred by destruction; the second floor was practically obliterated. Inside, six cultists surrounded a monstrous abomination, dragging corpses toward it.

This was the disturbing scene Hinata had relayed to the party.

"We should use shadow clones as distractions and snipe their real bodies from a distance," Tenten suggested, her eyes scanning the draw map for potential sniper spots.

"No, we'll be discovered by the security system," Naruto countered, his voice firm.

"Security system?" Tenten turned to Hinata, who nodded in confirmation.

"I did see those weird Fuinjutsu seals, and logically speaking, that barrier wouldn't be the only line of defense."

"Makes sense, none of the cultists are rushing in even though Florence was very loud when she killed that thing," Tenten mused, her brow furrowed in thought. She turned to Naruto, "Can't you just deactivate the Fuinjutsu seals?"

"Too advanced," Naruto casually lied back, finding it easier than explaining that this dungeon was another world with its own set of techniques. He opened his inventory, searching for something that might help.

[ Item: Yellow Talisman ]

[ Description: This talisman is used to alert the magic array around the building to not activate traps and target non-members. ]

[ Passive Effects: ]

- [ +500 Reputation with Cult of the Beast. ]

[ Active Effects: ]

- [ Wisdom (WIS): +5 ]

- [ Intelligence (INT): +5 ]

- [ Chakra Points (CP) Recovery: +15% every minute. ]

Naruto held up the item — a yellow talisman with an intricate magic array on it.

He used the shadow weapon jutsu to create multiple copies of the item.

"This should solve the security problem, and Tenten's plan needs some tweaking," he said, his voice carrying a hint of strategy as he laid out his adjusted plan.


A dungeon monster dragged a severed arm and the corpse of Florence into the second building while the cultists looked on.

The security system didn't activate, so the majority of the cultists were relaxed.

"Surprise Attack!" Naruto bellowed at the top of his lungs, discarding his disguise. In a swift, fluid motion, his umbrella transformed and he fired senbon at the real body of the nearest cultist.

The cultist fell, its real body struck before it could react.

As Naruto's assault unfolded, a puff of smoke enveloped the corpse of Florence and the severed arm—transformation jutsu. From this cover, Hinata burst forward, darting towards another cultist who managed to erect a barrier just in time. Undeterred, Hinata slammed her palms onto the ground.

Wind Style: Gale Palm!

The jutsu blasted her upwards, and she landed deftly on the back of the cultist's barrier. Her fingers moved in a counterclockwise motion, channeling her chakra.

Her Gentle Fist shattered the chakra/ mana grain of the barrier, rendering it useless. With a swift movement, her Neko Te, shimmering with wind chakra, sliced through the crow charm that powered the barrier.

Meanwhile, Tenten engaged directly with another cultist. She appeared in front of him, her leg arcing through the air in a powerful kick. The dungeon monster, caught off guard by the ferocity and speed of her attack, fell instantly to her Strong Fist.

The rest of the cultists were swiftly dealt with by Naruto's clones.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated dungeon monsters × 6 ]

[ Exp Earned ]

- [ Hinata Hyuga — 1000 EXP ]

- [ Tenten Higurashi — 1000 EXP ]

- [ Naruto Uzumaki — 4000 EXP ]

[ Dungeon Monster has dropped items ]

- [ Cultist's Robes ]

- [ Soul Shards × 6 ]

"Give me flesh?!" bellowed a dissonant voice from the enormous abomination, a blend of man and woman's tones that made the trio turn toward it in horror.

The creature, a grotesque flesh hydra with multiple human-like heads and a serpentine body, reared before them.

Naruto recoiled slightly as one of the heads lunged at him.

"Will you feed us?" it asked in a ghastly echo.

"No," Naruto replied slowly.

As the hydra attempted to devour him, Naruto delivered a powerful right hook.

His punch was swift and filled with chakra, exploding the head upon impact with a gruesome splatter, sending echoes of a scream throughout the hall.

[ Name: Flesh Hydra ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ Title: Dungeon Monster ]

[ Description: An artificial Homunculus created by an ancient kingdom to offer human sacrifices to the God of Human Sacrifice and Chaos — Laab. The more blood you sacrifice, the more power you'll gain from Laab. ]

[ Warning: If you choose to sacrifice to it, you'll gain the second class — Warlock: Herald of Laab. But if you choose to destroy it, a legendary item will be obtained ]

"Let's kill it." Naruto declared, eyeing the remaining heads with disdain as he was interested in this legendary item.

"I want to try something," Tenten chimed in, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she pulled out her cannon.

"What to try?" Tenten smirked, noting Hinata's shocked expression at the weapon.

"Don't worry, she's just insane."

"No cannon for you, then," Tenten said, motioning for Hinata to use it instead. Naruto's face fell in disappointment.

"Naruto-kun, would you help me with this?" Hinata asked gently.

Naruto's spirits immediately lifted.

Together, Naruto and Hinata positioned the cannon, working in unison to aim it at the flesh hydra.

With a shared nod, they fired the cannon, the blast roaring through the hall as it hit the hydra, causing another head to burst in a grotesque display.

Watching Naruto and Hinata so close together, Tenten felt an unexpected twinge in her heart, her hand instinctively going to her chest.

Isn't this what you wanted? Helping your friend get with that orange idiot. So why are you jealous? she thought, shaking her head to dispel the burgeoning feelings.

As Tenten watched Hinata gaze at Naruto, her own feelings stirred uncomfortably within her. Naruto was laughing, a wild joy in his eyes as each of his shots found their mark. Trying to distract herself from her growing emotions, Tenten forced her eyes away, only to catch sight of something alarming.

Tenten's gaze falling on the half-eaten pile of corpses left by the hydra. Among them, one stood out chillingly—a body wearing the same clothes as Florence.

[ Congratulations! Flesh Hydra has dropped a Legendary Item: the Mark of Evil. ]

As Naruto watched, a symbol—a circular emblem with three large interconnected circles forming a triangle-like shape at the center—appeared above his avatar.

A legendary item?!

The name of the item made Naruto's sweatdrop.

[ Legendary Item: The Mark of Evil ]

[ Description: An item that will show its power when the player fulfills its conditions. ]

It's never that easy, huh?

"Naruto?!" Tenten yelled, pulling his attention. Naruto brushed away the system interface cluttering his vision, and both he and Hinata followed Tenten's urgent point.

[ System Quest Update ]

[ Status: Incomplete ]

[ New Objective: You have found the corpse of Florence Nightingale. Take her corpse to Oscar to give him closure. ]

[ Rewards will be given upon completion by Knight Oscar. ]

Naruto's eyes widened in shock as realization hit him.

If this is Florence; who did we send towards Oscar?!


[ A Few Minutes Earlier ]

As the Naruto clone dashed through the sewers, he tried to engage Florence in conversation.

"What does it feel like to be a princess?" he asked, the echo of his voice mingling with the dampness of the underground.

Florence remained silent, her expression unreadable.

"You don't speak much, do you?" he probed, receiving no response.

"Hey, why are you a dog? Is Oscar a dog?" Still, silence was her only reply.

"Fine, keep your damn secrets," the clone muttered, frustration coloring his tone as they entered the basement area.

"Oscar, we found your bitch!" Naruto's clone called out loudly, unaware of the insensitivity of his words.

"Very uncouth, young man," Oscar chided as he hobbled out of his room, hope lighting up inside of the knight m at the prospect of being reunited with his beloved.

However, as Oscar laid eyes on the woman. "Is this some kind of joke?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.


"Is this some kind of joke?!" Oscar's voice rose in anger as he aimed his crossbow at the clone.

"Oi, what's the big idea? We brought your lover—" The clone's words were cut short as Oscar fired, the arrow, covered in chakra, zipping through the air at high speed.

Pop! The clone dispersed upon impact, unable to withstand the chakra-enriched arrow.

Chakra rolled out of Oscar in waves, the sheer pressure causing the entire basement to creak and groan, dust falling from the ceiling, and cracks spiderwebbing across the walls.

"Oscar!" Naruto yelled as the knight turned to face him.

"We found Florence!" Naruto declared, his voice managing to calm the enraged knight somewhat. Naruto slowly moved towards Oscar, something draped in a blanket in his arms. Oscar's hands shook visibly as he peered inside.

The sight of his dead lover hit Oscar like a physical blow. His body seemed to collapse inward, shoulders sagging and hands trembling as he gingerly took the corpse from Naruto's arms.

He cradled it protectively.

Without a word, he hobbled back into his room, the door slamming shut behind him with a thud that echoed in the silent basement.

The trio stood there in stunned silence, Naruto glancing at the fake Florence who simply stood there, as obedient and unresponsive as a well-trained dog.

"Who are you?!"

[ Name: Florence Nightingale ]

[ Status: REDACTED ]

[ Title: Neutral NPC ]

[ Level: 8 ]

[ Class: Spearman ]

[ Race: Humunculus - Lycanthropes ]

[ HP: 2000 / 2000 ]

[ AC: 25 ]

[ CP: 2k / 2k ]

[ Lineage Traits: ]

- [ Power of Lykos ]

[ Class Features: ]

- [ Spearmanship ]

[ Feats: None ]

[ Stats: ]

- [ STR: 17 ]

- [ DEX: 20 ]

- [ CON: 15 ]

- [ INT: 17 ]

- [ WIS: 16 ]

- [ CHA: 15 ]

- [ VIT: 26 ]

- [ LUK: 20 ]

[ Allies: None ]

[ Equipment: Flesh Spear ]

[ Description: One of the only prisoners who did not submit to the cult was the leader. This npc is the result of a cruel experiment where the fortress leader was fused with Princess Florence's pet dog, who was also named Florence. This fusion was intended as a twisted joke. With the leader's soul deceased, the pet's consciousness now inhabits a humanoid body, driven by a desire to save its beloved owner, Princess Florence. ]

Naruto and Tenten exchanged a puzzled look.

"Who names their pets after themselves?" they muttered almost in unison.

Meanwhile, Hinata approached the door with a sense of purpose and knocked gently.

"Hinata, what are you doing?" Naruto's voice was tinged with concern. Tenten reflexively drew her katana, and Naruto tensed, ready for any sudden moves from Oscar, recalling what had happened to his clone.

"Mr. Knight, I know it's hard right now for you, but..." Hinata began, her voice soft and empathetic.

"I'll give you your reward, just leave me," came Oscar's hollow response from behind the door. The trio could practically hear the lifeless tone in his voice.

Hinata hesitated, wanting to help but unsure how. She felt a hand on her shoulder as Naruto gently pushed her back. She nodded, trusting that Naruto's words might reach Oscar.

"Life is unfair. Deal with it," Naruto repeated the words of Dragon, though the sentiment felt harsh in the silence that followed. Hinata's smile faltered, and Tenten felt a chill as Oscar's chakra began to shake the entire basement.

"Everyone in this world carries some burden, some have less, some have more. There is no such thing as a burden-less human. But there are those who either choose to fight or give up. Which one are you?" Naruto spoke again, echoing Dragon's wisdom.

Boom! The door blasted open, and an arrow shot towards Naruto, who was thrown back against the wall. His diamond skin saved him from a fatal blow.

"Florence didn't love this defeated man!" Naruto yelled back, his words cutting through the tension as Oscar froze.

"Live for the sake of Florence."

Oscar began to chuckle, the sound turning into laughter as he removed his helmet, revealing his black shaggy hair and a giant scar on one side of his face.

"How am I supposed to live for the dead?" he asked, his tone low, rising in anger and frustration.

"How am I supposed to live knowing that I could have saved her? That I-I-I..." Oscar's voice broke, his single eye closing as no tears came out. His tears had dried up long ago in his childhood.

"It will be hard to live on, it will be hard to forget, but you'll have to find strength in the dream," Hinata softly said.

"Dream?" Oscar's confusion was palpable.

"The dream of how Florence would have wanted you to live," Naruto clarified, appearing in front of him with a supportive smile.

"That pain you feel won't go away, now or years later but it will get better because you know you lived for them." Tenten said as she sheathed her katana.

"Help me into the room," Oscar requested, his voice weak but not devoid of resolve.

Naruto acknowledged, helping the man up.

"I just need to think for a while," Oscar murmured, a faint smile touching his lips as he turned to the dog, the last reminder of his love.

"Looks like it's just you and me, you stupid dog."


"Come in with me, you deserve to see her," Oscar murmured to Florence as Naruto helped him into the room.

As Naruto quietly stepped out of the room, leaving Oscar to his private mourning, the solemn atmosphere pressed down on him heavily. His gaze had only briefly settled on the corpse, but that fleeting moment was enough to trigger a horrifying vision. Suddenly, it wasn't Florence's lifeless body he saw—it was Hinata's and Tenten's. His heart clenched painfully, the image sending a shockwave of panic throughout his body.

The thought of losing them, seeing them as lifeless and cold as Florence was now, was utterly unbearable. His breath hitched, short and rapid, as if each inhale were battling against an invisible barrier.

A tightness wrapped around his chest, squeezing until it hurt. His hands trembled at his sides, the shaking subtle yet uncontrollable.

"Naruto, you okay?"

He looked up to see both Tenten and Hinata watching him, their faces etched with worry and understanding. Naruto tried to smile, but it felt so forced it hardly seemed like a smile at all.

It's just a fear, not a prophecy.

"I'm fine, I just... I've never seen a corpse before," he lied, looking down to avoid their eyes.

Hinata and Tenten nodded in understanding, their expressions softening slightly, recognizing his discomfort but perhaps not the depth of his dread.

"Tenten, can you make a prosthetic for Oscar?" he asked, redirecting the conversation to something else.

Tenten nodded without hesitation, already considering the mechanics in her mind.

Hinata, standing nearby, pinched Naruto sharply. He turned to her, his expression questioning.

"That was dangerous," she said, her voice low.

"I know, I just..." Naruto's voice trailed off as Hinata leaned against him.

"I could have lost you," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Naruto's arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer into a hug, her words echoing in his mind.

I could have lost you.

Naruto's throat felt dry as he whispered, "Sorry."

Hinata's grip tightened around him.

"Next time, if you do something stupid, I'll take away your ramen collection," Hinata half-joked.

Naruto wanted to laugh, but the laughter wouldn't come.

Hinata's earlier words still haunted him:

I could have lost you.

The weight of that possibility tightened his chest.

He looked at Hinata and then at Tenten.

"I'll promise to do better," he vowed, his voice carrying a conviction that Hinata had never heard before.

Yet, there was an undertone, something unspoken, a hint of fear or perhaps realization of the risks he had taken.


[ A Few Minutes Later ]

"You three are weird kids. Strong, skilled, and kind," Oscar observed, his gaze appreciative as he looked at the wooden leg that Tenten had crafted for him.

Hinata and Tenten blushed at the praise, pleased and a little shy about the recognition. Naruto, on the other hand, proudly puffed out his chest, basking in the approval.

"Not you, though," Oscar added bluntly, directing his gaze at Naruto, who deflated like a balloon. "You are just rude."

"Sorry, those words helped me before, and I thought they would help you," Naruto replied, realizing in hindsight how his words might have come off as insensitive.

"I chalk it up to you being a child, so learn that not everyone is like you. Your desire to help was admirable, but your approach shouldn't just be to see if it works," Oscar advised, and Naruto nodded in understanding.

"Now, since you all did find Florence, I suppose the rewards are to be given."

[ Quest: Find Knight Oscar's Lover ]

[ Status: Complete ]

[ Rewards: ]

- [ 1000 Exp to each member ]

- [ Skill: Hex Blade ]

- [ Item: Oscar's Claymore ]

- [ Item: Crossbow ]

Naruto noticed Tenten's eyes sparkling at the sight of a claymore and Hinata examining a crossbow.

"What's your plan now?"

"There's a garden in Rondon that Florence liked. I am going to bury her there," Oscar said, his voice thick with emotion as he slowly hobbled away. He paused for a moment, and Naruto began to sweat under his penetrating gaze.

"You are making a mistake," Oscar stated cryptically before continuing on, with Florence's dog obediently following behind him.

Tenten and Hinata looked at each other, confused by Oscar's parting words. Naruto's expression hardened, a decision forming in his mind.

"So, what's the plan now?"

"The plan is that you stay here," Naruto announced, his hand landing on Hinata's shoulder. Before Hinata or Tenten could react or understand his intention, Naruto's palm released a burst of electricity — Shock Seal.

Hinata spasmed from the shock and collapsed to the ground.

Tenten immediately jumped back, her instincts kicking in, but Naruto vanished and reappeared in front of the doorframe in the blink of an eye.

"Fuin! Barrier!

A chakra barrier flashed into existence, trapping Hinata and Tenten inside the basement.

"Naruto, what are you doing?!" Tenten cried out.

In response, Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.


[ Naruto's POV ]

[ CP: 100/14k ]


The strain was immense, like nothing I had felt before.

My chakra drained rapidly as I lay on the scorched garden floor of the fortress.

Each breath felt heavier, each thought slower, but I managed to muster the strength for one last command.

"Go mess that boss up for me," I gasped out to my 2,000 shadow clones.

Their response, a thunderous "Dattebayo!" echoed through the air.

I cringed at my own catchphrase; it always sounded so much cheesier out loud.

As the clones charged toward the boss room, I just lay there, unable to move, feeling the ground beneath me and the burnt remains of what was once a beautiful garden.

"I fulfilled my promise. I fulfilled my promise," I whispered to myself, each repetition a reaffirmation of my resolve and a balm to the pain. The sounds of battle were distant now, a mere echo compared to the loud notifications of the system chat that usually bombarded my senses.

I sighed deeply, closing my eyes briefly before opening them again to face whatever came next.

[ System Chat ]

- [ Tenten: Naruto, what the hell is going on? ]

- [ Naruto: I am going to solo the boss. ]

- [ Tenten: So, you should have said so. We would have happily given you the boss to solo and level up. Was this necessary? ]

- [ Naruto: For your protection, yes. ]

- [ Tenten: ? ]

- [ Naruto: I think letting you two into my party was a mistake. ]

- [ Tenten: You are joking. ]

- [ Naruto: No, I am not. You two since the last few hours have faced death so many times: Arachne, the Cultists, the Scammy merchant, etc. How many other close calls. You two are shit gamers and... ]

- [ Hinata: Naruto, tell me the truth. ]

- [ Naruto: You're awake?! ]

- [ Tenten: See, even now you care, so what's the truth? ]

- [ Naruto: Ever since I held Florence's corpse, I felt a fear, a fear that maybe one day I would have to hold your corpse one day and I... ]

- [ Hinata: Naruto-kun, we are strong. ]

- [ Tenten: Yeah, we aren't your damsels in distress, we are your teammates. When Hinata demanded the cauterization, you were on board, you trusted her judgement. What now? ]

- [ Naruto: Hinata chose that decision, and I chose mine. ]

- [ Tenten: You think this is how a party should work? ]

- [ Naruto: I know, hence why the moment my clones destroy the boss, I am kicking you two out and we'll be back to square one. No memories of the system, no nothing. ]

- [ Hinata: Then why even trust us with this secret? ]

I didn't respond as I closed the chat.

I closed my eyes, repeating to myself in a whisper, "I am doing the right thing."


The boss room was housed in a third building at the back of the fortress, a grand structure, lofty arches and stained glass windows threw colorful patterns across the stone floor.

One single Naruto clone stepped inside, his gaze immediately drawn to the center of the space where a gigantic, destroyed statue lay in front of a beautiful altar.

The destruction lent the space an eerie feel, as if the sanctity had been forcibly ripped away.

"The people of Rondon worship this goddess. How amusing it is that I sat upon their goddess' corpse?" a deep voice boomed, echoing off the high ceilings and stone walls.

"You just destroyed a statue, you damn emo teme."

"Hahaha! Indeed." 

Suddenly something massive slammed down onto the altar, dispersing a cloud of dust and debris.

As the smoke cleared, the clone saw the cult leader—a hybrid of wolf and man, equipped with twin spears. He wore an ornate face bone mask, and his muscular torso and limbs were covered in thick fur, giving him a fearsome presence.

[ Name: Sergal - The Unchained ]

[ Status: Titan's Strength ]

[ Title: Cult Leader, Dungeon Boss ]

[ Level: 15 ]

[ Class: Warlock - Herald of Laab ]

[ Race: Humunculus ]

[ HP: 10k / 10k ]

[ AC: 60 ]

[ CP: 5k / 5k ]

[ Racial Traits: ]

  - [ Chimera's Body ]

[ Class Features: ]

  - [ Blood Magic ]

  - [ Chaos Magic ]

  - [ Flesh Magic ]

[ Feats: Charismatic Leader, Alchemist ]

[ Stats: ]

  - [ STR: 30 ]

  - [ DEX: 33 ]

  - [ CON: 32 ]

  - [ INT: 35 ]

  - [ WIS: 35 ]

  - [ CHA: 39 ]

  - [ VIT: 39 ]

  - [ LUK: 30 ]

[ Allies: The Cult ]

[ Equipment: ]

  - [ Spear of Heaven ]

  - [ Spear of Earth ]

[ Description: Sergal, a survivor of the brutal expansion of the Kingdom of Rondon, was orphaned when his village was burned as an example. Taken as a slave, he used his position to eventually steal and sell a massive boat on the black market, buying his freedom. A chance meeting with a merchant known as the Magic Man provided him with the means to grow the Flesh Hydra, enhancing his power by sacrificing his former master and their entire household. Hunted by Rondon's nobility, Sergal took refuge in a fortress, transforming it into his base of operations. There, he sacrificed both prisoners and guards to the Flesh Hydra, gaining immense power. Sergal formed a cult by offering survivors a chance to join him, provided they endured the ritual of flesh. He is now methodically building his forces, planning to one day retaliate against the Kingdom of Rondon. ]

"Your screams will be my choir, boy!"

"You'll be my bitch then?!" the clone shot back defiantly.

With no further words exchanged, the clone lunged forward with his umbrella — war axe form, the blade glinting menacingly under the cathedral's filtered light. The attack was powerful and direct. However, Sergal was quick, deflecting the blow with a swift swing of his spear. The force of the impact sent the clone reeling backward, but it recovered just in time to see Sergal take a second swing. This time, the spear cleaved through the clone, dispersing it instantly.

As the clone was struck, the explosive seal it carried activated, and the remaining chakra of the clone was transformed into a sudden, fierce explosion.

The blast resonated throughout the cathedral, its roar echoing off the stone walls and vaulted ceilings, sending plumes of smoke and debris into the air. Stained glass shattered, and small fragments of the ceiling fell like rain, adding to the chaos of the moment.

Sergal had jumped back just in time, avoiding the brunt of the blast.


Outside the cathedral, a formidable force of 2000 Naruto clones stood in formation. Hundreds among them joined forces to create a supercharged version of the Uzumaki Naruto Style: Revolver, scaling it up to an unprecedented magnitude.

One clone, its hands guiding the spirit possession, signaled the unleashing of the attack.

With a monumental roar, a flaming drill burst forth, its fiery tendrils whipping through the air as it bore down on the cathedral. The immense heat and force of the attack vaporized the stone and mortar structure almost instantly. The drill tore through the cathedral's walls and stained glass with terrifying precision, leaving nothing but molten slag in its wake.

The shockwave from the impact was colossal, sending tremors through the ground and a massive cloud of debris billowing into the sky.

Yet, despite the ferocity of the assault, every Naruto clone sensed that this was merely the beginning.

As the smoke and dust began to settle, they saw Sergal, the formidable cult leader, emerging relatively unscathed behind a chaos magic barrier.

The barrier, though covered in cracks and visibly strained, had held just enough to protect Sergal.

The cathedral itself had acted as a buffer, absorbing much of the attack's energy, thus reducing its effectiveness.

Unperturbed, four clones executed flash steps, appearing around Sergal in strategic positions.

They targeted his head, calf, shin, and stomach with precise kicks, aiming to exploit any weakness left by the initial attack.

Chaos Magic: King's Bullet?!

Sergal's spear glowed ominously.

The barrier around him shattered, transforming into shards of concreted mana/chakra.

These shards shot out like deadly projectiles, whistling through the air and puncturing the clones with brutal efficiency, leaving holes in their forms.

As the clones were struck down, another explosion enveloped Sergal, part of an ongoing strategy.

This was Naruto's plan: to chip away at the boss monster, inflicting damage bit by bit, using every clone and every tactic at his disposal to wear down Sergal's defenses.

One clone lunged, attempting a diagonal slash, but Sergal parried with his left spear and countered with a stabbing thrust from his right, piercing the clone's midsection. As another clone swept his naginata low to trip him, Sergal leapt over the blade, spinning mid-air to deliver a double strike, dismantling two more clones.

Sergal parried a thrust with one spear, then spun to deflect another, his movements a blur. The clones, persistent, adapted their tactics, aiming low to slash at his calves, forcing Sergal to leap back. He noticed a faint glow—the wind hex on their spears, leaving wounds that refused to close, a clever Bleed status to sap his health.

The clones cleverly used the axe-like blades of the halberd to hook Sergal's spears aside, creating openings for their thrusts. Sergal found himself steadily pushed back, parrying slashing blades and dodging spiked ends that sought to impale.

Blood Magic! Blades Against Heaven!

The ground beneath the battlefield erupted in a sinister silver glow as hundreds of blades, crafted from condensed blood, shot up from the earth. They impaled hundreds of Naruto's clones in a gruesome display of power, yet curiously, none of them exploded upon death—a fact that didn't escape Sergal's notice.

Suspicion gnawed at him as he felt an uncharacteristic numbness spreading across his left hand.

He glanced down, puzzled; the magic ore that constituted his spear should have disappeared, yet the spear remained solidly in his grip.


As Sergal grappled with this anomaly, he jammed his right spear into the ground, bracing himself as he saw fireballs hurling towards him from all directions. With a shout, he summoned his chaos magic, "Hell's Balloons!"

A dome of dark energy enveloped him, shielding him from the incoming assault.

The fireballs collided with the dome, exploding on impact in a spectacular blaze. The dome absorbed the brunt of the blasts, but suddenly, residual flames burst out in hundreds of tiny explosions around him, each one a fiery echo of the last.

Inside the chaos, Sergal felt a foreign presence—a subtle intrusion of Naruto's chakra within his body.

With grim realization, he forcibly dispelled the genjutsu that had clouded his senses. His left hand, he discovered, was not a hand at all but a stump—a devastating revelation. He glanced at his body, now severely burnt, the flesh charred and blackened from the relentless assault.

This was Naruto's plan B.

While Sergal had been distracted by the melee attacks, some of the clones had woven a genjutsu not only to distort his vision but also to dull his pain receptors, preventing him from feeling the full extent of his injuries.

Each melee clone, upon being destroyed, left behind a Fire Style: Mark of Flames.

Hundreds of these seals, laid dormant until now, activated simultaneously the moment Sergal used his blood magic.

The result was catastrophic. Sergal was literally burned alive, his left hand vaporized by the intense heat, his brain tricked into not registering the level of damage until it was far too late.

[ HP: 10k → 4k ]

As the battle intensified, Sergal invoked "Blood Magic! Adrenal Boost," causing his veins to visibly darken as they surged with increased power and speed.

His eyes, now sharply focused and predatory, locked onto Naruto, who was orchestrating the battlefield.

Naruto snapped his fingers, signaling hundreds of shadow clones to unleash their senbons. The sky briefly darkened, overwhelmed by the sheer number of projectiles, creating a menacing, almost night-like effect.

Sergal countered with 'Flesh Magic! Dragon's Roar,' a powerful omnidirectional sound attack that burst forth in a devastating wave.

The force was so intense that it obliterated the incoming senbons and popped every clone in its radius, leaving nothing but echoes in its wake.

Spotting the last Naruto, Sergal lunged forward, thrusting his spear with lethal precision. However, as his spear passed through the figure, he realized it was just an academy clone jutsu—an illusion.

"Sneak attack!" Naruto's voice came from above. Diving down with his war axe, Naruto aimed a critical blow. Sergal, ever quick, thrust his spear upwards in defense. The two weapons were about to clash when Naruto cleverly used substitution jutsu, disappearing in a blink.

Realizing the tactic, Sergal instantly turned to his left, predicting Naruto's reappearance. He thrust his spear forward, aiming for Naruto's neck, but Naruto, because of Flash Fist, knew how to maneuver within the high-speed substitution.

He dodged at the last moment with a counterclockwise swirling kata.

Naruto's spiraling footwork brought him close enough to deliver a crushing blow to Sergal's liver.

The sheer force technique threw Sergal back, the impact so severe that he vomited blood, his organs mushed from the devastating attack.

Wind Style: Vacuum Bullet!

Sergal stood grimly, barely flinching as his right hand was shredded by wind bullets. Despite the injury, a fierce gleam lit his eyes as he lunged forward, grasping his severed arm with his mouth.

With a desperate, powerful leap, he thrust his spear at Naruto, who narrowly avoided a fatal blow thanks to his diamond skin jutsu.

"You lose?!"

But before sergal could savor any semblance of victory, the Naruto he had impaled popped in a violent explosion, blasting at point-blank range.

The explosion tore away half of Sergal's face, leaving it grotesquely mangled, flesh seared and bone exposed amidst a cloud of smoke and debris.

As the smoke cleared and the genjutsu lifted, Sergal found himself surrounded by a sea of Naruto clones. Realizing the precariousness of his situation, he gritted his teeth and called upon his dark magic. "Flesh Magic! Bone Reconstruction!"

The bones in Sergal's armless stumps twisted and extended, morphing into deadly spikes. With a ferocious roar, Sergal hurled himself into the crowd of clones, each spike-arm slicing through the air.

[ HP: 4000 →2000 ]

[ HP: 2000→ 1200 ]

[ HP: 1200 → 1000 ]

Each thrust and swipe mowed down the clones, but even as his strength waned and death gripped him, Sergal's body refused to fall.

[ HP: 500 → 0 ]

As the battlefield quieted, the last of the shadow clones relaxed, thinking the battle was finally over with Sergal defeated.

But the silence was abruptly shattered.


The last clone spun around just in time to see a bone spike pierce through the air where it had stood a moment before, causing the clone to disperse into a cloud of smoke.


The real Naruto limped toward the remnants of the battle, his mind occupied with plans for the magic circles he had documented from around the fortress. Intent on further study, he was distracted only by the sight of Sergal's corpse, which, even in death, maintained a pose as if locked in eternal combat.

"You were the coolest and most difficult enemy I have fought. I won't forget you, Sergal the Unchained," Naruto murmured, a mix of respect and relief in his voice.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated a dungeon monster ]

[ Exp Earned ]

- [ Naruto Uzumaki — 7000 EXP ]

[ Dungeon Monster has dropped items ]

- [ Alchemical Recipe - Health Potion ]

- [ Item: Sergal's Spear ]

- [ Item: Humunculus Orb ]

Naruto watched, Sergal's form began to dissolve into black ooze.

Naruto waited patiently for the dungeon door to materialize, signaling that he had completed the dungeon.

But as minutes ticked by with no sign of any portal or passage, a frown creased his brow.

"Why isn't the dungeon closing?!"


Oscar trudged through the mist, his steps heavy as he carried his lover's body.

Nightingale followed closely behind.

The stillness of their journey was unexpectedly broken by the sound of a ukulele, its melody oddly cheerful in the somber atmosphere.

As they rounded a bend, they found the source of the music—a peculiar sight. Magic Man was sitting atop a comically large mushroom, strumming the ukulele with a whimsical air. Suddenly, with a flick of his wrist, he tossed the instrument onto a nearby tree, shattering it, the playful mood dissipating instantly.

"What is a tower master doing here?" Oscar asked, his voice tinged with caution and surprise.

"Don't worry, Mr. Knight, I am not going to hurt you. I am just here to give you an offer," Magic Man said, his tone light.

Florence growled softly at the "merchant".

"What's the offer?"

"I want you to help me kill those three nuisances inside the fortress," Magic Man proposed.

Oscar's eyes momentarily glowed with mana. But Magic Man added with a sly grin, "Awe, I guess you don't want to see your lover again."

Oscar's mana faltered, his expression shifting from resolve to confusion and shock.


Magic Man gleefully looked at the knight, enjoying the turmoil he had stirred.

"Looks like you are finally interested."


Author Note:

Okay, so we're nearing the end of this dungeon with just one more chapter to go, and I have a few thoughts to share.


1- Florence Nightingale: Both the character that is Oscar's lover and the dog girl. Originally, Florence was going to be alive, but her death was pivotal in developing Naruto's character, which I'm quite pleased about. Plus, by having her name her dog after herself, I hoped to offer a glimpse into what kind of person she was.


2- Sergal The Unchained: I personally enjoyed writing this character's battle—it really showcased Naruto's incredible battle IQ. Additionally, this fight hinted at what Naruto could have become if he had chosen to accept the second class Warlock - Herald of Laab by making a sacrifice to the flesh hydra.


3- Flesh Hydra: This creature plays a crucial role in illustrating the power of the cult and endows Naruto with the mark of evil. This will be very important going forward, especially since it's a legendary item. Can you guess what the mark of evil will do for Naruto?


4- Upcoming Battles: The last paragraph sets up the next chapter:

Naruto vs. Magic Man.

Tenten vs. Oscar.

Hinata vs. Florence.

This will be a tough battle for Naruto and his team. Tenten is less powerful than Oscar, Hinata is already battle-damaged because of Naruto, and Florence is at full health. Furthermore, Naruto, having just endured a grueling battle with Sergal, now faces Magic Man, who is potentially even more dangerous.


5- Naruto's Character Flaws:

Emotional Immaturity: Naruto sometimes projects his feelings and experiences onto others, failing to recognize their individuality. This insensitivity, as demonstrated when he parrots the dragon's words, nearly costs him his life, which underscores that the narrative does not shy away from his imperfections. As Naruto matures, this flaw should diminish.


Triggered by Florence's death, Naruto has become overly protective of Tenten and Hinata. Despite trusting them deeply he struggles with his fears, to the extent of suggesting he could seal their memories. This is something he must overcome to truly understand teamwork and leadership.

I'm really excited to write these developments and explore how Naruto grows from his flaws into a mature leader. I hope you all enjoy this evolution in his character.


Thank you for your continued support and engagement with my work. Have a blessed rest of the day, and I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!