Chapter no.47 Splitting the Grain

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Her father had always recited a particular saying to her: "In the serpent's whispers, lie bits of truth."

He used this phrase to teach her the importance of sifting through rumors, to extract the truth hidden within the lies.

Now, as whispers and rumors swirled all around her, Ino clung to one certain fact she had managed to discern.

Yamanaka Ino knew that the end was near.

It was one thing, to have challenged Uchiha Sasuke to a spar, and it was another thing, to realize that Sasuke had not shown up for said spar.

The people at the Academy had spun it in as many different ways as they could, in as many different stories or tales as their imaginations, primitive, wild or vivid could go.

Some had assumed that it simply meant Sasuke did not consider Ino worth his time, and as such, had dismissed the challenge. Others had claimed, that Ino was actually going to use her Yamanaka abilities to mind rape the Uchiha into blissful oblivion, and as such, he was wise to avoid the fight.

Some even went as far as to believe that Sasuke was afraid of her, because she was his mistress or something completely ridiculous.

And just like that, she was immediately the most popular girl in school.

"This. Is. Torture."

She groaned as she made her way to the academy, unable to not notice the stares, the whispers, the pointing fingers and hushed conversations.

"It's not that bad Ino."

Thankfully, she had at her sides, the only two boys she could call her friends at the moment.

To her left, Shikamaru walked, his eyes were like that of a tranquilized giraffe, staring vacantly at the path ahead without much care or attention to the rumor mill.

Truly, Ino felt that the boy's level of apathy was slowly transcending mortal limits.

In contrast, to her right, Choji was animatedly eating a bag of potato chips, and though he seemed quite as normal as usual, Ino could tell he was nervous.

He bit at the chips three times before swallowing them, whereas she knew he could simply toss one into his mouth, and often did simply toss one into his mouth, chewing twice to savor the flavor before swallowing.

She rubbed at her temples, not sure if she should be proud or creeped out at the fact that she had memorized her friend's eating habits enough to ascertain when something was wrong.

"I mean - all the girls look at you as though you're some sort of messiah now."

She let out another painstaking groan. Unfortunately, the consensus as to why Sasuke had not shown up had rang in favor of the theory that he was afraid of her.

Now, there were tales going up as to how she was the second coming of Tsunade Senju - possessing a frightening fighting prowess that even the Last Uchiha, a certified prodigy in his own right, was terrified of going against.

"It'll blow over soon enough." Shikamaru had said in his usual lazy drawl.

"These things usually do."

It was true, in a sense.

All she had to do was not add fire to any of the slowly increasing, utterly ridiculous flames that were the rumor mill, and soon enough, they'd see, and they'd come to realize, that there was absolutely no truth to any of it.

The only, small benefit, was that the Uchiha Sasuke fanclub had actually... died.

Ino herself could not explain how that worked.

The majority of the girls who were usually chanting and celebrating about Sasuke had become incredibly subdued.

The Ino-Shika-Cho trio took up their sitting positions as usual in the class, with Shikamaru's immediate impression of a drunken sloth, Choji's impression of an eager foodie, and Ino's... well, Ino.

The moment Sasuke entered the classroom, the entire room fell into a stunned silence. The state he was in shocked everyone, especially Ino.

Sasuke appeared as though he had been thrown through multiple walls.

His eye was blackened, and numerous bandages wrapped his head, neck, arms, and legs.

A fresh cut on his lip seemed to draw the most attention.

Without a word, Sasuke walked to his seat, his glare fixed on a cup of noodles in his hand.

He sat down heavily, still staring intently at the cup as if it were the source of his woes.

And then, the girls that fawned over him entered the class, the thickening silence slowly rising -

And they all silently dragged their feet into the back seats, as far away from Uchiha Sasuke as possible.

"The end is nigh Shikamaru. Mark my words. The. End. Is. Nigh."

"You're not a prophet Ino. It'd be really troublesome if you were."

"Then how do you explain that?" Ino demanded, pointing at Sasuke, and instantly, like oil to fire, the rumors around them escalated.

"Look at that, Ino-sama is gloating to her friends about how she beat Sasuke Uchiha. Amazing, amazing. Ino-sama is so awesome. I wish I could be like her," someone whispered audibly.

Ino felt a massive headache brewing as the whispers grew, but she found a glimmer of relief when she saw Shikamaru turn his attention towards Sasuke. Maybe he could figure this out. But then, Shikamaru merely laid his head down, murmuring, "Too much work."

"Shika, help me understand how Sasuke got like that," Ino pleaded.

"Naruto," a monotone voice interjected, almost making Ino jump. She turned to find Shino looking at her, a bug crawling on his finger.

Ino shuddered at the sight of the bug, but Shino's words firmly captured her attention. "What does Naruto have to do with this?" Choji asked, puzzled.

"My bugs have detected large amounts of Naruto's residual chakra on Sasuke's body. They had a fight, and judging by Sasuke's condition, it wasn't just a spar," Shino explained.

"Naruto... fought... Sasuke," Ino repeated slowly, trying to piece the information together.

"Ino, you look like you're trying to fight back a smile," Choji remarked, taking a bite of his chips.

Ino immediately hid her face, her mind racing to piece together the reasons behind Naruto's fight with Sasuke.

Was Naruto absent from class because he was training?

But why train just to fight Sasuke?

To prove himself?

Why now?

As she contemplated Naruto's recent actions, her training as a Yamanaka pushed her to probe deeper into the psychological underpinnings. Why had Naruto, usually so boisterous and straightforward, chosen such a dramatic way to prove himself? The fight with Sasuke, the intense training — wasn't it all just a bit too theatrical, even for him?

Ino chewed on her lip, her gaze flickering to Naruto's usual empty seat.

He had confessed to her, yes, and then thrown himself into this conflict.

Was it merely a bid for her attention?

Or perhaps it was his way of coping with rejection, by trying to elevate his status through victory.

"Naruto fought Sasuke because of me," Ino concluded aloud, causing Shino, Choji, and even Shikamaru to look at her as if she had lost her mind.

"Think about it, what's the last thing Naruto did when he came to school?" she pressed on.

"He fought me," Shino said simply.

"But the day before," Ino countered, "he confessed to me. And in that confession, he mentioned Sasuke. This means he went into training to prove himself better than Sasuke and then planned to confess to me again when he came back, a better man." Ino's voice rose with excitement.

"This is just like the plot of my favorite novel," she squealed.

Shikamaru sighed, his mind lazily trailing off as he listened to Ino passionately draw parallels between her life and her favorite novel, The Bloody Love.

He shook his head slightly, knowing full well he hadn't actually read the book, but Ino never seemed to tire of discussing it.

It was about a cop who confesses his love to a serial killer, only to be rejected, and later finds the killer dead.

The plot twists continued from there, but Shikamaru never paid enough attention to catch all the details.

"Even so, her drawing parallels between the novel and herself is just her habit of identification," Shikamaru mused internally, a small frown tugging at the corners of his mouth as he watched Ino animatedly explain how Naruto's actions mirrored the novel's protagonist.

Shikamaru paused, glancing at Ino.

He knew her well enough to understand her type: someone who brought an element of intrigue and suspense into her life, much like the characters in her beloved mystery thrillers.

That's why she had a crush on Sasuke Uchiha initially.

He is thought, remembering how that fascination had quickly turned into a rivalry with Sakura.

She's long since moved on from Sasuke, though.

And now.

Shikamaru continued in his head.

This whole delusion of paralleling Naruto's actions to a novel plotline is just an expression of her crush.

He sighed again, deeper this time.

He could easily dismantle Ino's delusions with logic, but he knew all too well that would just invite trouble.

Arguing with Ino could unleash a storm of emotional backlash he had no desire to weather.

"Too troublesome," Shikamaru muttered under his breath, his body slouching further into his chair.

The thought of an angry Ino, blonde hair flaring as she stormed at him for hours, was more than enough to deter him from voicing his skepticism.

Better to let her theories go unchallenged than to engage in an exhausting debate.

Dear Kami, could this day get any weirder?

Then, just as Shikamaru had uttered that prayer, that question to the gods -

Umino Iruka walked into the classroom. Silent, quiet, as though he were not supposed to be their teacher, and immediately, all the eyes strayed towards his direction and his odd behavior.

Then, he brought up their thick, hardback, Academy issued manuscript.


And he set it on fire.

"The end is nigh," Ino whispered into his ear.

"Good, this world is too troublesome to begin with."


[ Training Ground ]

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Help Hinata ]

[ Description: A special day for Hinata is approaching. Assist her. ]

[ Objective:

Do a spar with Hinata to help her gain some confidence in her skills. ]

[ Rewards: +100 Reputation with the Hyuga Clan, 200 Experience Points. ]

[ Failure: -200 Reputation with the Hyuga Clan, Hinata will be inflicted with Status: Avoidant Personality Disorder. ]

"Naruto-kun, I should be in class right now," Hinata remarked.

Naruto didn't answer immediately; his attention was fixed on the system, an hour ago he had received a notification. Normally, he was fine with helping his friend, but the sight of the failure tab had made his heart skip a beat.

To aid her, he had intercepted Hinata as she was walking to the academy and was now pulling her along to the training grounds.

"Hinata, is there an important day coming up?" Naruto asked, breaking the silence as they walked.

Hinata froze, her gaze dropping.

"How did you know that?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Naruto sidestepped the question.

"Can you tell me more about it?" he pressed gently, guiding her forward with a light touch on her back.

Hinata sighed, her shoulders drooping slightly. "It's the semi-annual report. The Elders of the Hyuga clan and my father all gather to discuss many things about the clan. Since I am the daughter of the Patriarch, I have to show off my skills and prove that I am worthy of being the heir."

"Seeing that constipated look, is something wrong?" Naruto asked, trying to lighten the mood with a joke.

Hinata giggled, the sound like a small bell in the quiet morning.

"No, it's just that every year I feel like my performance is getting more and more..."

"Better," Naruto interjected with a hopeful smile.

"No, worse," Hinata corrected him, her smile fading. "Two years ago, my father said my performance was 'adequate', and last year he was just silent."

"Can I say this bluntly?" Naruto asked, his expression serious. Hinata nodded, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"Your father sounds like a douche," Naruto said bluntly.

As expected, Hinata gasped.

"Sorry for saying it, but you deserve all the praise," he continued earnestly.

Hinata blushed at those words but quickly shook her head, dismissing the compliment.

Naruto, however, was not deterred. He reached out and gently placed his hand on her cheek, guiding her to look up at him.

"Hinata, I know for a fact, out of everyone in our class, you are the strongest girl."

"Then why do I lose?" Hinata whispered, her eyes closing in resignation.

"Hinata, look at me," Naruto said warmly, waiting a few seconds for her to open her eyes again.

When she did, her soft lavender gaze met his clear blue eyes.

"You lose because you hold back; you let them win," Naruto stated frankly.

"T-That's not true."

In response, Naruto activated Spirit Possession, seeking some much-needed guidance for what to do next.

"Okay, we are here. Let's spar," he declared, choosing not to counter Hinata's words.

He instinctively knew that words wouldn't prove anything right now; actions would.

"But!" Hinata protested, her voice laced with hesitation.

Naruto didn't wait for her to finish.

He took a jab, his explosive chakra blasting air towards Hinata, causing her hair to whip wildly around her face. He stopped his punch just inches from her face, demonstrating his control.

"Hinata, you can dodge my Sheer Force Technique, especially with those eyes of yours," he said, confidence underpinning his words.

"N-Naruto-kun, let's just stop. I need to get to class," Hinata replied, her voice trembling slightly.

"You can go after this spar is done," Naruto insisted gently.


"Yes," Naruto affirmed, stepping back a few feet to give them both space.

"Let's begin."

Naruto took on the Flash Fist stance.

Hinata took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

She activated her Byakugan, her veins bulging slightly around her temples.

She extended one palm forward, fingers slightly curled.

Her legs moved into a wide stance, one foot forward, the other back, giving her a stable base and the agility to move quickly.

Naruto launched two shurikens towards Hinata, who expertly deflected them with her palms.

He paused, expecting her to seize the moment to go on the offensive, but Hinata remained firmly defensive, her stance unwavering.

Fine. I'll force you to acknowledge your own strength.

Naruto thought resolutely.

His ankles glowed with accumulated chakra, and in a blink, he vanished, reappearing instantly in front of Hinata.

He launched a high kick towards her head, but Hinata was quick to react.

She dodged smoothly, her body bending just enough to let the kick whoosh over her.

Naruto's kick continued in a powerful arc, his leg swinging through the air with such force that it tore up the ground beneath him. Yet, mid-motion, he deliberately stopped, exposing his entire back to Hinata, challenging her to attack, to take some action beyond mere defense.

Hinata, however, chose caution over confrontation.

She quickly assessed the situation and, instead of attacking, leapt back to create a safe distance between them.

Hinata's eyes widened in alarm as she watched Naruto quickly form hand signs. "N-Naruto-kun, isn't that a bit much for a spar?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear.

Ignoring her plea, Naruto unleashed the Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu.

A massive, roaring fireball shot towards her, the intense heat washing over her face and the fierce glow illuminating her wide, fearful eyes.

She realized in a flash of terror that if she didn't act, she might not survive.

Driven by a primal instinct to survive, time seemed to slow for Hinata. Her hands moved almost of their own accord, channeling chakra into her wristbands.

With a puff of smoke, her Neko Te appeared, the chakra metal claws ready. She quickly channeled chakra into the claws, shaping them into needle-like extensions that dramatically increased her reach.

As the enormous fireball barreled towards her, Hinata focused on detecting its weak point—The Chakra Grain.

The Chakra Grain referred to the pattern and flow direction of the chakra within the technique.

Successfully striking this grain, either vertically or horizontally based on its orientation, could effectively break the jutsu apart.

Typically, only seasoned shinobi with extensive years of experience with Ninjutsus or those with special sensory abilities, like those granted by the Byakugan, could perform such a feat.

Hinata saw the chakra grain running through the fireball.

Hinata focused her chakra into the metal claws of her Neko Te, shaping it into sharp, needle-like forms that extended her reach far beyond what her fingers alone could achieve

She pinpointed the optimal spot and with a swift, precise movement, struck it vertically right at the center.

Her action mirrored slicing through soft butter; the fireball split neatly into two halves, each veering off and fizzling out harmlessly beside her.

Hinata's knees buckled, her heart pounding like a drum, and she collapsed onto the ground, her back pressing against the cool earth. She lay there, struggling to control her heaving breaths.

Naruto walked over and sat beside her, his presence comforting yet contemplative. He began softly, "I don't think Sakura or Ino, or the majority of our class could do what you just did. You know, the Neko Te's are a weapon that requires aggressive offense to wield. Tenten gave you those weapons to help you be more aggressive because that's the only thing you lack. Not power, not technique, not skill, just aggression. And I'm not talking about aggression from anger, but aggression in taking charge. You know what I mean, right?"

Hinata managed a weak nod, absorbing his words.

"Tenten gave you the Neko Te so you can learn to take charge," Naruto continued, his voice gentle yet firm. "Because Tenten knows this, I know this, and most of all, you know this. You are capable of so much more."

Overwhelmed by the truth in his words, Hinata closed her eyes, a myriad of thoughts swirling through her mind.

"There's enough bloodshed and cruelty in this world. Be that smidge of missing kindness, make friends, talk things out, and maybe things will become better."

Hinata recited her mother's words as if they were a shield against her own insecurities about aggression.

Naruto sighed, his gaze lifting to the sky as he pondered her words.

"Are these the words of someone close?"

"My late mother," Hinata replied, her voice soft.

A heavy silence fell between them, filled only by the distant sounds of the leaves in the wind.

After a moment, Naruto broke the silence. "Hinata, can I say something very bluntly?"

"You are the definition of blunt, Naruto," Hinata responded with a small giggle.

"Okay, then, Hinata, answer me this; do you think being confident is cruel? Do you think being able to take charge is cruel? Do you think standing up for yourself is cruel?"

Each question struck Hinata deeply, exposing the gap between who she was and who she wanted to be.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she lifted her arm to hide them.

But before she could, Naruto's hand gently stopped her, holding her arm gently.

"Hinata, it's okay to be shy, to be meek, to be anxious, to not be aggressive. There is nothing wrong with that, but do you want to be all of that?"

"No," Hinata whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I can't hear you," Naruto said, encouraging her to find her voice.

"No," she said a bit louder.

"I can't hear you!" Naruto yelled back, pushing her further.

"No!" Hinata finally screamed, releasing all her pent-up frustrations and fears.

Naruto smiled gently, reaching out to wipe away her tears.

"Let's stand up," he said, offering both a literal and metaphorical hand.

Hinata heard the deeper message in his words, the encouragement to rise beyond her current self.

"Can I be better, Naruto-kun?" she asked, her voice trembling with hope.

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

Hinata smiled, her heart lighter, feeling the genuine possibility of transformation as she clasped his hand, ready to stand up and embrace the change.


[ Author Note:

A few things I want to say and ask you all:

1- Regarding Ino's plot B, especially her new crush on Naruto which is going to get stronger when she realizes the mysterious boy Takaie is actually Naruto.

And I'll repeat this, it's just a crush, not love.

So, did I do a good job with the whole Ino crush thing?


2- Chakra Grain, yes, this is my own concept that I introduced into this fanfic. It doesn't exist in canon. Why did I introduce it? Well, I have a lot of reasons:

• Power Balancing:

Ninjutsu is very overpowered compared to Taijutsu and Genjutsu on an average scale, Itachi and Gai don't exactly count as average. To make the Ninjutsu side more balanced, I introduced this concept of chakra grain, as explained in the chapter. The Chakra Grain refers to the pattern and flow direction of the chakra within the technique. Attacking it where it's weak essentially makes the Ninjutsu fall apart, and attacking against the chakra grain is done either accidentally or by masters who know the Ninjutsu like the back of their hand—essentially people like Hiruzen Sarutobi or sensors like those with the Byakugan.

Sharingan can do the same but to a lesser extent because they see chakra in color, so if they know what they are doing, they can do the same.

Also, yes, Naruto with his mind's eye can probably do the same.

• Worldbuilding:

Do you guys remember that the Cloud Village wanted the Byakugan? Well, the canon reason is that they wanted it to make themselves stronger, but I think the chakra grain explores this concept with better depth. Since every Ninjutsu has a chakra grain, hence the Lightning Cloak that the Cloud is so proud of—their ultimate shield—has a weakness that can be exploited by their enemies, hence why they went so far to get the Byakugan? They wanted the weakness of their most powerful technique to be controlled by them.

Think of it like this, the majority of the ninja world can't break the Raikage's Lightning Cloak. If they gain the Byakugan—their own weakness—how easy would it be to just set up high bounties on the Hyuga clan? It doesn't matter if the Byakugan is destroyed due to the bird cage; the Hyuga are dying out, and with so few remaining, the Cloud becomes much stronger.

How do you like this explanation of that whole plot point? It's essentially the same reason just with a different context.


3- Hinata's development, how do you guys like it?


4- The Failed Chakra Control technique of Naruto has been given a name: Sheer Force. This is all thanks to the webnovel reader: DEFIANTSAGE.

Thank you to everyone else who commented on a name for the technique.


Thank you for enjoying my work, and thank you for your support. I hope you guys have a blessed rest of the day, and please give me your thoughts in the comments.