Chapter 11

"Hey, Kyo."

Kyo kept attacking Akaza with no moment to rest,

"Why is it that now that you finally want to eat humans I can't help but stop you?"

he ripped Akaza's limbs one after the other.

"Hey, Kyo"

Even though they hadn't fought for a long time,

"Wake up."

Akaza couldn't bring himself to attack Kyo.


His expression saddened searching for some light in Kyo's clouded eyes,

"Snap out of it."

while evading his relentless attacks.


Akaza's heart was heavy,

"Tomorrow, let's go back to the lagoon."

it got harder to move.

"I'm going to win this time."

Kyo tore off both of Akaza's arms,

"Let's just go back"

he jumped on him, pinning him to the floor,


Kyo's hands were on his neck.


Akaza's healed arms motionless at his side.

"Let's go home, Kyojuro."

Kyo stopped.

Warm droplets fell unto Akaza's face. Kyo was gazing down at him, the realization of what he had done wrenching his heart "Why do I…" he winced. Kyo moved away from Akaza "Sorry," he whimpered. Kyo turned his back to Akaza "I'm so sorry." he cried in a raspy voice, and walked away. Tears streamed down his face, his hand above his heart clenching his clothes and skin but no matter how hard he squeezed, his heart kept howling in pain. Akaza followed a few steps behind without saying a word.

"Don't follow me." asked Kyo, but Akaza kept quiet. "Please, just let me be." pleaded Kyo again.

"Let's go home, Kyo." said Akaza.

"I can't go back."

"Where do you want to go then?" asked Akaza, walking beside Kyo now.

"You can go back home, so let's just go our separate ways here." Kyo said walking faster than Akaza "I'm tired of this".

Akaza matched Kyo's pace "You know, I only started calling that house home recently. Before it was just some place I went back to sleep at. I never had a place to call home. But waiting for someone or having someone waiting for you." Akaza giggled "Having meals together and sharing snacks. All of this and much more that we did together in that house made me call it a home."

"I'll hurt you again." Kyo cried, his hands clenched to his side.

"If it's by your hands, I don't mind."

"No!" screamed Kyo turning to Akaza "Why can't you understand that I don't want to hurt you. I want to treasure you, I-"

"Ever since I turned you, I haven't had a drop of human blood. You asked me not to before I turned you." Kyo was speechless, some tears still falling from his eyes. "Let's go home and take our time talking." said Akaza, grabbing Kyo's hand and pulling him along.