More Time

Back to the present.

Even after Aster gave Rue a time, he couldn't think of anything. He had no idea what to do at all. He thought Aster wouldn't like going on a date. He assumed she would refuse it. Which was she totally would.

So in the end... He didn't know how to face Aster nor how to talk about it. He kept avoiding Aster. Even when Aster was eyeing him, he would dart his eyes to somewhere or talk to anyone beside him. Aster didn't know that she was somehow feeling annoyed at Rue's actions but emotions are faintly written on Aster's face.

At exact lunch.

Aster followed Rue sneakily on the rooftop which he always go to whenever it was break time. And then this what happened...

"For how long exactly are you going to keep ignoring me?" Aster slammed Rue against the wall. At surprise, Rue's eyes rounded and it was obviously written on his face the frightened look to Aster.. He was locked between Aster's frail arms leveled about his biceps. He couldn't say he was enjoying this, more like, he felt horrible that a girl was doing this to him.

Rue looked powerless.

The sun was hiding behind a thick cloud. Rue looked down to Aster's shady expressionless face.

"I thought you're going to give me time?" Rue replied. He looked calm outside but he was freaking out inside.

"I did but I said I am a very impatient person." Aster retorted back. Her hands kept locked Rue's body and Rue felt very uncomfortable with this position. Aster and Rue were very close to each other that an effortless push could close the space between them.

Rue gave Aster a blank expression.

'But it has only been a day..' Rue said in his mind.

Rue was questioning himself as to why he even accepted and acted like a fool when he could deal it himself just easily. He knew it was only just a voice record without his face and he also knew if Aster will spread it to the school, no one would believe her since, it was only a voice record. Her name would even be messier than now. Yet, he still gave in.

'Am I an idiot...?' Rue asked in his mind.

"Don't avoid me like you did earlier... It's getting in my nerves. If you don't know what to do, you should've texted me so I wouldn't be....." Aster trailed off in midway. Her eyes widened in what was she about to say next. She.... was about to say what she was feeling. It was a new experience to her. She never thought she would be feeling this. Was she frustrated? Because Rue was avoiding her..? After all, he was the first student to ever hold a conversation with her.

"You wouldn't be, what? Hmm? Don't tell me you feel lonely?" Rue teased and followed by a restraint giggle. Aster twitched. She shot him a glare as if saying 'you're-talking-non-sense'. And so, Rue's giggle turned into a sigh.

"Anyway, how could I text you when I don't even know your number." Rue said. They came to an agreement that they wouldn't talk to each other when they are in school at that day when Aster and Rue first had their conversation.

Aster retreated her arms and took a step back away from Rue.

"Ah. You're right" Aster replied.

And they exchanged numbers very easily.

Rue felt a lot better now that he had a talk with Aster. There was a small smile in Rue's lip. For some reason, he could be himself with Aster and he didn't know how he could do it.

"..How about going to my house..?" Rue hesitantly said as he darted his eyes away from Aster. Aster stared at him so suspiciously considering she sees him as a pervert and a creep.

"No." Aster strongly refused. The reasons were she didn't trust Rue and because she could only go between the school and hospital. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere other than those two places. Of course, she couldn't tell Rue and had no plans to do so. She also didn't tell him her body's conditions.

"How about going out on a date?" Rue forced a beautiful smile.


"Then how am I able to do what you want me to do!?" Rue raised his voice a little.

"I don't know. You tell me."

Rue facepalmed. "How about your house? I'll go to your ho—"

"Absolutely not."

Rue instantly felt annoyed. He was confused. He didn't know what Aster wanted to do. He completely lost ideas because Aster kept refusing his offers.

Rue sighed with a slight furrowed brows and Aster lowered her head and was a bit little down.

"Give me more time to think." Rue said in an unusual tone. It obviously sounded so off that Aster knew Rue was off the mood. She didn't speak anymore, thinking she would just add more fuel to the fire. Of course, she did feel a bit guilty that she was making him do this without telling him the whole thing—as if it was Rue's responsibility. But, Aster couldn't back down now. She had to use Rue and she hoped Rue would understand her.

Rue was waiting for Aster's response but he figured she wouldn't speak back. Aster just kept her head slightly down. And so, without telling, Rue walked with a heavy feeling in his chest and left Aster all by herself now.