Bad news for me , Death of Baba:

I grasped baby girl from Mom's hand and started playing with it.MY Mom placed a hand at my back gently and said," my child your face is very pale and I am sorry because Zara was admitted to hospital for delivery so that's why I could not come to see you, come take a shower and I will make lunch for you ".

After each lunch, I looked at my Mother's face, she was looking worried, I asked her," Is everything alright mother? , is something wrong"?

Mom: son it's very difficult to tell you, there is bad news for you ….

She became silent.

ME: Look, please tell me what is wrong?

Mom: With a bit of hesitation and tears in my eyes," your Baba is no more, he is dead. you were in the hospital and I don't have the power to tell you at that time.

Me: I was silent for a while and all the pictures of Baba came into my mind the way he brought me up, taking care of me, preparing tea, and so on…..

I silently went to my room and I started fearing that God might take that person with whom I love but forgot that he loves you a thousand times more than your mother. I went to the mosque for prayer offered pray and sat with my hands up for pray,

"God please let Baba straight go into Heaven clear her all sins because he always guided me for the right path to choose. I was weak Baba made me strong, please grant him Jannah ".

I started remaining silent at home.

The next day I went to Baba's house. His Son welcomed me at home and hugged me with tears in his eyes.

I requested him to take me to Baba's grave, HE said, ``We have buried Baba in a nearby graveyard, he was missing you a lot, This letter is for you, read it.


"My Dear sheroz,

God has not given me more time to see you, when you will receive this letter I think I will not be available. I have received, final message in my dream of leaving this Evil Duniya. Remember my words and try to convey my message to the world."

The final hour is very near, and the predictions are completing just like a broken necklace of women and the beads are falling down one by one. Man is just like the crown and the best creation of the world but his conduct, behavior, and action will show he is much degraded than the lowest animal like the wolf.

There will be no house made of mud. people will start killing each other for small reasons, Nudity, Gays, and sex will rise. No culture will be protected.

Devil will control the human mind, IT will whisper in your mind to do sins. Then giving you diseases like depression, heart attacks, cancer, and incurable diseases.I find someone in this dreadful situation ask him to read and listen to surah Rehman and Azan. The body will shake because there is a devil inside your body. Remember the Quran is the best healer. people will like to read novels that are full of sex and nudity and these mobile users will always remain in depression. It's a big plan of the Devil and his followers to make them wrong. Make the devil weaker by listening and reading the Quran, whisper Quran in oil and water, and drink it as much as you can, slowly it will come out.YOu will feel irritation, vomiting, and headache, it's not you, just be consistent and slowly you will feel better.

Keep saying Astaghfirullah all the time which means o lord forgive me.

Help your neighbors, make donations and your rizk will increase. I am sure you will try to follow a straight path IF feelings heart, talk to God. He loves you more than anything and you will find help at any time.

A time will come when there will be dreadful disease and religions and cultures will blame each other, may God forgive them all. Devil's plan is dangerous but if they plan, God will have a bigger plan. That time read surah Fatha first chapter of the Quran on water and drink it and you will be cured of any disease.

Artificial intelligence is weaker than real human intelligence. When your heart opens with zikar you will master real intelligence and can have anything which you will request from God.

MY son, There was so much to discuss with you but I want to have more time. Take care of your family. I wish I could have more time but nobody can ask for it because at this age I feel weak and restless. I am tired, going for a long rest and we will meet in paradise one day. Pray for me. keep visiting at my graves of loved ones. It will remind you that we will leave this earth with bare hands.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GOOD Buy!