The religious leader nodded his head slowly and then started the procession of Ducan's marriage to Alisha, beginning with a prayer so that Ducan's wedding would run smoothly without any mistakes.

When the wedding procession was in progress, Ducan's gaze could not be separated from Alisha's face. Ducan still can't believe fate has brought Alisha together, the woman he loved and for three years he searched like crazy until he entered rehab because his soul was so depressed. His obsession and desire to meet Alisha made him fall back into drugs.

And now even though fate has brought him together with Alisha, but fate was never on his side. All the truth becomes revealed after his meeting with Alisha.

Alisha has a relationship with Lucken and loves him very much. The proof of Alisha's love for Lucken is proven by the existence of marriage, and it really hurts his heart.

"Luck??" Alisha called when she saw Ducan daydreaming.