
Ducan straightened his back feeling disappointed by what Alisha said. Disappointed, Ducan handed Diana to Terry and then left.

"Alisha, aren't you overreacting? Lucken doesn't seem to know that you've been filming. It's natural for Lucken to feel jealous when other men dare to tease you." Terry said giving his opinion to Alisha.

"Even though he doesn't know I'm filming, he should have asked Terry first, not just punching someone else out. What if the other person gets hurt? He could go to jail just because he's jealous." said Alisha not believing Lucken's attitude that could be frontal without control.

"Lucken did it reflexively Alisha, it means Lucken loves you very much. Why don't you just take the positive side. Lucken will take care of you because you are his wife." Terry said in his heart also wondering about Ducan's feelings for Alisha.