Alisha's honesty

"I'm disappointed in you Duck, you have the heart to lie to me with your feelings of love!" said Alisha with disappointment getting up from her seat to leave immediately, but Ducan's hand pulled her hand quickly so that her body fell right on Ducan's chest.

Immediately Ducan hugged Alisha's waist very tightly.

"I can't lie to you Alisha, I do love her to this day." said Ducan with a deep look into Alisha's eyes.

"Tskkk!! You've hurt my heart Duck. It's so easy for you to talk like that after we got married. Let go of your arms Duck, let me go!" said Alisha with all her might trying to free herself from Ducan's arms. Alisha was getting irritated and hurt by Ducan's words, who easily said he loved another woman in front of him.

"I won't let you go Alisha!! You're not going anywhere! As long as I'm alive, you must always be with me! I won't let you leave me again." said Ducan with a serious face pressing hard on Alisha's waist which was above her stomach.