Tired heart

"Maybe I should calm down first, to make sure I'm just obsessed or there really is something in common between Duck and DK." said Alisha back into the dining room to look for Ducan. But Ducan and Diana were no longer there.

"Where are Duck and Diana?" asked Alisha with a confused look seeing Ducan and Diana not there.

With a wondering heart Alisha searched the entire room for Duck and Diana.

Alisha's steps stopped when she saw Ducan teaching Diana to paint on a canvas. There was something he felt when he saw that togetherness. Seems like a father with his daughter.

"Why do I always think like that every time Diana is with Duck. Is it possible that I am really obsessed with what I see? sometimes I see Duck is DK and now I look as if Duck is DK Diana's father? Asshhh!! what happened to me?" Alisha asked herself as she approached Ducan and Lucken.