Miss you

Alisha smiled seeing Diana sleeping exhausted in Ducan's arms. In the playground Diana looks very happy. Most of his time was spent playing with Ducan.

Ducan's own attitude actually underwent a very extraordinary change. Very sweet and caring. Alisha herself could hardly believe Ducan's sweet change.

"Duck, Diana you should sleep in Terry's room. I'm going to take a shower first, I'm feeling all sticky." Alisha said to Ducan before going to her room.

Ducan nodded his head, immediately led Diana to Terry's room.

"Knock... Knock... Knock"

"Terry." called Ducan after knocking on the door several times. Not long after, the bedroom door opened and Terry's face looked puffy.

"Diana is asleep, Alisha asked me to put Diana to sleep here." Ducan said as he studied Terry's face which looked puffy like he had been crying.

"It's okay Duc, come in." said Terry, opening his bedroom door wide so Ducan could come in and put Diana to sleep.