Time is over

"Come here quickly Duck, your appearance really catches my attention. You're teasing me on purpose, aren't you Duck?" said Alisha feeling something warm began to spread throughout her body.

"I'm not teasing you Alisha. When you are at the hotel why don't you want it you want to go home early? Why?" asked Lucken approaching Alisha still curious about Alisha's attitude which was more silent at the hotel.

"I don't know Duck, I just felt like going home. Maybe I missed Diana and Terry." said Alisha not having any reason other than her heart feeling uneasy.

Lucken swallowed his saliva, when Alisha said Terry's name. An image of Terry flashed through his mind, a feeling of guilt always creeping into his heart.

"It's okay, I was just wondering. Maybe you're really tired." said Lucken as he rubbed Alisha's face which was so very beautiful.