Looking for answers

"Last night he said he wanted to play at the playground. I said wait for you to come home. What's wrong? Don't you want to play with Diana?" Ducan asked with a serious look.

Terry swallowed his saliva not knowing what to answer with Ducan's question.

For a long time Terry thought about giving the right answer for Ducan especially for Diana which he couldn't possibly let him down.

"Okay, I'll go with you guys. But I can't stay with you for long. I have to meet my friend, just for a moment. After I finish my business I'll be back. How about it? Is it okay? At least I can still accompany Diana to play ." said Terry with a pleading look hoping this time he could find out who Diana's father was.

"Okay, I think you've made a fair decision for Diana and your personal interests." Ducan said thinking Terry was going to meet his date.