go back home

"It's noon, we have to get ready to get out of here and go straight to the airport." said Naoki with a smile gently caressing Arion's face.

"What time is it Nao?" asked Arion with a full look.

"It's eight in the morning, I just came from the cafeteria to buy breakfast for the three of us." said Naoki who purposely didn't wake up Arion in the morning because he knew Arion must be tired from sleeping late last night.

"How come three, who is that other person?" asked Arion raising an eyebrow.

Naoki smiled excitedly.

"Who else if not with our babies, our babies also need food intake, right?" said Naoki with a smile.

Arion smiled in relief, not thinking that Naoki was teasing him.

"What time did you wake up Nao?" asked Arion getting up from his sleep to sit back.

"It was this morning as usual, as well as going to the canteen to buy this breakfast." Naoki replied as he put his food on the table.